As high income economies improve and the
financial sectors stabilize, central bankers understandably and rightly, want
to move away from the unorthodox policies that were necessary to avoid an even
larger collapse and more suffering. At the same time, they want to
reassure investors, businesses and households that they do not intend on
increasing interest rates any time soon. The process by which central
banks do this has been dubbed forward guidance.
Initially, as the Bank of Canada Governor,
Carney used a date approach. This approach was eschewed by the
Bank of England and the Federal Reserve for more a more data specific approach.
Both central banks picked an unemployment rate, 7.0% and 6.5% respectively.
To varying degrees, both central banks noted, for anyone who wanted to
listen, that these were thresholds for which policy would be re-examined, not
triggers a for a change in policy.
Both of the thresholds are being
approached, dare one say before most observers, including those at the central
banks expected. The substance of forward guidance
must evolve with economic conditions. Those who argued that the Carney would
ditch forward guidance confuse the communication mechanism with its substance.
The FOMC minutes for last month's meeting show that US officials are also
wrestling with the evolution of its forward guidance.
There seems to be a finite number of
possible tactics. Officials
could, for example, simply lower the current thresholds. This, however,
may undermine the credibility of forward guidance. Another alternative
could be to adopt a more qualitative approach. This is what the BOE seems
to be doing.
A third possible course for the Federal
Reserve is to emphasize its third mandate: financial stability. The problem with this is that if financial stability
was threatened the Fed would more likely have to be accommodative than
restrictive. A fourth option would be to adopt a different threshold, to
wit: The FOMC does not anticipate the need to increase interest rates
while the core PCE deflator is below, say 1.7% (it stood at 1.2% at the end of
last year). The fifth option is to find a different channel to
communicate one's intention. The Federal Reserve can make it point, for
example, through its quarterly interest rate forecasts.
No doubt with some many business people
and economists and various interests and sensibilities represented, there are
bound to be advocates of each course. Judging from the January FOMC meeting,
it is not clear the Fed has decided yet. Put in a larger context,
we suspect the Fed will opt for the more qualitative approach and placing more
emphasis on signaling function of its interest rate forecasts.
In some ways, though, this evolution of
the forward guidance communication style is largely a question of adaptation
not speciation. This is also an important take away
from the FOMC minutes. Not only did Bernanke put the Fed on the tapering
path, but also raised the cost of deviating from that path.
Even before the minutes, it seemed clear to us, that the bar to stop tapering or speed it up (which seems somewhat less relevant now in the face of the dramatic slowing of the US economy to something probably around 1.5% annualized, based on the current information set and conservative projections) is set high. The minutes reinforce this sense.
Even before the minutes, it seemed clear to us, that the bar to stop tapering or speed it up (which seems somewhat less relevant now in the face of the dramatic slowing of the US economy to something probably around 1.5% annualized, based on the current information set and conservative projections) is set high. The minutes reinforce this sense.
The key though is not how the economy
does. Rather it is what the economy does
relative to the Fed's outlook. The minutes make clear that last month,
officials recognized that the pace of the economy in H2 were due to temporary
factors that would likely be reversed in the H1 2014. This means that
there should be little doubt that the Fed continues to taper. Forward guidance
is the communication style to manage expectations. Tapering, that is
FOMC Minutes and Thoughts on Forward Guidance
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
February 19, 2014