The launch of the new 4-year lending facility
by the European Central Bank was disappointing. Participation was light.
Some 255 banks (of 382 eligible institutions, which represent more than 1300
entities) borrowed a total of 82.6 bln euros. The consensus was for
150 bln euros, and less than 100 bln was thought to a failure.
Our expectation for poor results was based on
three considerations. First, we feared a stigma so that strong
banks would resist. Second, the Asset Quality Review and stress test
(results next month) might deter participation. Third, prudence suggests
that waiting for December, even if one wanted to participate. We thought
that banks that had large LTRO borrowing outstanding would likely
participate. Italian and Spanish banks outstanding LTRO borrowings are
roughly 164 bln euros and 163 bln respectively.
That the ECB could not give away 4-year
funding at 15 bp will be cynically dismissed as evidence that the scheme was
misguided from the start. The problem the cynics will say is from the
demand side not supply, or that the price of money is not the significant
problem during the de-leveraging wave that is being driven mostly by the
regulatory environment.
We are hesitant about reading too much into
the dismal participation today. A repeated poor take down in December
would be more significant. We suspect ECB officials will also be
reluctant to accept failure at this juncture. The disappointing
participation does not really mean that a sovereign bond purchase scheme is
more likely. There remain numerous formidable technical, legal and
political obstacles.
To be sure, there are numerous other forms of
QE if officials wanted. The ECB could buy bank bonds, corporate
bonds, and even EFSF/ESM/EU bonds. This is not a prediction, but a
description offered to demonstrate that a sovereign QE program is not the only,
or even most likely, response to the disappointing TLTRO.
A few banks have acknowledged their
participation. Some Italian, Spanish and French banks have confirmed
their use of the TLTO facility. Italian and Spanish banks appear to have
roughly evenly divided about 30 bln euros. In France, both Credit
Agricole and Societe Generale acknowledged participating but did not disclose
the amount. Dutch-based ING and ABN Amro also said that they
participated. A number of other banks indicated they might tap the
facility in December.
Even with the disappointing TLTRO, the
divergence between the trajectory of Fed and ECB policy is clear. In
June, 12 of 17 Fed officials saw the first rate hike coming in 2015.
Yesterday's dot-plot shows 14 do now. This coupled with more adamant
hawks (two dissents) helps account for the higher year-end Fed funds
The median Fed view is for Fed funds to be at
1.375% at the end of next year. This is up from 1.13% in June.
The Fed now sees the funds rate target being at 2.875% at the end of 2016
compared with 2.50% in June. The 2017 forecast, published for
the first time is 3.75%.
The market is not nearly as sanguine.
Look at the Fed funds futures. There are admittedly some liquidity
issues, but are not far from what other derivative markets are showing.
The December 2015 Fed funds futures (25.6k contracts open interest at $5 mln
each notional) is implying an 80 bp rate. The December 2016 contract
implies a 1.82% year-end target.
Consider the calendar as well. For the
sake of this exercise, let's rule out a Q1 15 rate hike. In Q2, there
is a meeting in late-April and mid-June. We have been assuming a June
hike that would lift the Fed funds target from 0-25 bp to 25-50 bp. There
are four meetings in the second half of 2015. The dot-plots would seem to
suggest a hike at all of those meetings, or at least three of those meetings,
and is divided on the fourth. This seems aggressive given inflation view
(tweaked to 1.6%-1.9% from 1.6-2.0% in the June forecasts) and growth (trimmed
to 2.0%-2.2% from 2.1%-2.3% in June).
What many observers do not seem to be paying
enough attention to the organization of the Federal Reserve, which we think is
important to separate the noise from the signal. The Federal Reserve
is designed to have a strong Board of Governor. The regional presidents
vote on a rotating basis. When the Board of Governors is fully staffed,
they have a 7-5 majority over the voting presidents.
Presently, due to the ongoing conflict
between the President and Congress, there are two
vacancies on the Board of Governors. What mitigate this in terms of
relative power between the Board and the presidents is that the NY Fed
President is a permanent voting member and Dudley is very much in line with
Yellen and the Board of Governors.
At FOMC meetings, non-voting members can and
do participate in the discussions. This is why the FOMC minutes often
show a wider range of opinion that may be detected in the FOMC statement.
The same is true of the dot plots. All the regional presidents share
their forecasts. In contrast, the FOMC statement is where the Board of Governors,
from which there are few dissents, make their views known, and regional
presidents are free to disagree.
Our heuristic approach tries to identify the
signal from the Fed policy makers. We argue that operationally the
signal emanates from the Yellen, Fischer and Dudley, and is clearer in the FOMC
statement than the dot-plot or FOMC minutes. This is particularly
important now. The FOMC statement was little changed, except for a
reference to inflation "running below" the Fed's target rather than
moving "somewhat closer" as it had said in July. All the
phrases that illustrate a lack of urgency, including "considerable
time" and "significant under-utilization" of labor resources
were were retained.
It was primarily the dot plots that
flummoxed the markets. It was decidedly more hawkish. The
fact that the Fed offered revised exit principles is not really
key. As QE comes to an end, the Fed's exit strategy is
evolving. The new information is still relatively light on
details. Many expected such a statement in October meeting, but its
"earliness" says nothing about the content of policy or timing,
except that it is sooner than it was a few months ago. We note that next
year's rotation of vote regional presidents moves in a somewhat more dovish
direction than the current configuration.
Ironically, with Lithuania joining European
Economic and Monetary Union on January 1, the ECB is going to look a bit more
like the Federal Reserve. There will be fewer meetings, and for
voting purposes, there will be some rotation of the central banks. The
ECB's board is smaller and will still be in a minority when the rotation
process begins. While the NY Fed has a
permanent vote, no country, including Germany, will have a permanent vote on
the ECB. There has been some thought that Germany would seek a permanent
seat, but this does not appear to have gone anywhere. It is not clear why
another country would agree to it.
More Thoughts about the Fed and ECB
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
September 18, 2014