Through the venomous comments and erosion of
trust, the broad framework of what could prove to be a workable compromise
over Greece's financial crisis may be emerging. This is not to
suggest that the eurozone finance ministers meeting will reach any important
Indeed, the Greek Prime Minister has already
reduced his finance minister's role in the negotiations, and it appears Merkel
has done something vaguely similar. Schaeuble did not favor the
second aid package to Greece. Instead, he reportedly argued to use the
time and funds to facilitate a non-disruptive exit for Greece. Merkel
eventually went the other way. Even now she seems more committed to
keeping Greece in than is her finance minister, but Germany, no less than
Greece, is unwilling to repeat Draghi's pledge to do whatever is necessary.
Part of what is necessary is to change the
language. Many may scoff at the dropping of the use of
"Troika" but symbols are very important in this context. Greek
officials have indicated a willingness to reform the pension system and
VAT. They do not agree on foisting more austerity through cutting current
benefits or hiking the VAT. The reforms could generate additional savings
over time.
The differences between what the creditors
demand and what Greece has been willing to offer is estimated by the EC to be 2
bln euros a year. The forecasts that this is based are, frankly, not
so precise. This is not unbridgeable.
Greece agrees with the IMF in that some sort
of debt relief is necessary. The IMF, as we have noted, is very
generous with European tax payers money, but would not want to participate in a
debt relief exercise. Still, as part of a compromise, the EU could renew
their November 2012 pledge to offer some debt relief to
Recall that in 2012, the EU offered this on
condition that Greece achieved the primary budget surplus that was part of the
agreement codified into the (in)famous Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
Despite the moralism of honoring debt obligations and the like (indeed in
German and Dutch, the word for debt and guilt are the same), the 2012
pledge shows that, at least at highest levels, it is a political, not a moral
Greece wants a stronger commitment.
This too does not seem to be a ridiculous request. After all, Greece did
achieve a primary surplus in 2013 and 2014, and there was not a word about debt
relief. The debt relief envisaged in the MoU included "further
measures of assistance, including inter alia lower co-financing in structural
funds and/or further interest rate reduction of the Greek Loan Facility, if
necessary, for achieving a further credible and sustainable reduction in Greek
debt-to-GDP ratio." Moreover, a more detailed pledge along the same
lines would also improve the IMF's attitude.
It would also be helpful for the official
creditors to acknowledge both the depth of the economic (as opposed to
financial) crisis and the important adjustments that Greece has already
made. Consider that the real economy has contracted by more than
25%. This then flatters measures, such as debt, as a
percentage of GDP. Real spending fell even more. It appears to have
contracted by 33%. The cyclically adjusted balance improved by 20% of GDP
since 2009. The external deficit improved by 16% of GDP. Unemployment
quadrupled to near 28% from 2008 to 2013. Government employment fell by
nearly a third in the 2009-2014 period.
A word on Greek pensions is also in order as
it is a key sticking point. Greek's pension system is more
than just taking care of elderly people. It has supplemented the weak
social safety net. A study conducted last year by Greece's employer
association found that pensions are the main, and frequently, the only source
of income for almost 50% of Greek families. Only about a third of Greek
household rely primarily on salaries.
What is often not appreciated by observers is
that Greek unemployment benefits (remember a quarter of the workforce is
unemployed and 50% of the young people) are capped a little more than 10 euros
a day (360 euros a month) and are often limited to a one year period.
The economic crisis is five years old. As workers are made
redundant, many qualify for early
retirement schemes. The Greek pension problem and the high unemployment
are linked in a profound way that escapes the attention of most
Greece's pension system is in desperate need
for reform, and this is something that the previous governments failed to
deliver. One hand, it looks like the most expensive program in the EU
at 17.5% of GDP. But, again the implosion of GDP exaggerates this
metric. There were over 130 different pension funds. Surely
consolidation and achieving economies of scale would generate savings.
The system is subject to widespread fraud (an official review in 2012 as part
of aid package found 90,000 fraudulent claims and 350,000 "inconsistent
Moreover, there are a large number of
professions that have been granted early retirement privileges, which largely
reflect the rent-seeking society. Consider that 580 professions,
including wind instrument players (gastric reflux) and radio presenters
(microbes in microphones) qualify.
Yet the creditors (and other observers) should
recognize some reforms have been implemented. The 130+ pension funds
have consolidated to 13. The standard retirement age for men has been
raised to 67, and since 2010, the public and private sector pensions have been
cut from 15% (for the lowest, which is under 500 euros a month) to almost 45%
for the highest (3000 euros a month). Now the average pension is 713
euros a month. The typical supplemental pension, generally funded by an
industry program, is 169 euros a month. This translates into 60% of
pensioners receiving less than 800 euros a month, and leaves 45% living on
less than the poverty limit of 665 euros a month.
Framework of a Compromise Begins to Take Shape
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
June 18, 2015