Many investors are closely watching Italy.
It is seen as the next flashpoint for the wave of populism after
Brexit and Trump's success. The constitutional referendum will be held on December 4. Although the
center-right Republican Party in France holds
its first primary this weekend, ahead of next spring's presidential election,
the Italian referendum poses a greater
immediate risk.
Without exception,
the 32 polls from 11 companies reported since October 21 all showed the
referendum would be rejected.
There is widespread mistrust for polls after the UK referendum and US election,
but the common element was under-estimating the populist sentiment. In
Italy, it is tempting to read the polls as showing the populist
The problem with that interpretation is that
it is not just the populists that are opposed to Renzi's constitutional reforms
that, especially in light of earlier political reform, would strengthen the
prime minister. Italy has had over 60 governments since the end of
WWII. Most recently, Renzi is the third unelected Prime
The argument is that without political
reforms, and the ability to form stronger governments, Italy cannot mount the
kind of economic reforms necessary to revive the moribund economy.
Yet all the opposition parties, some
unions, and even some members of Renzi's own
center-left coalition are opposed.
a defeat of the referendum is understood
as strengthening the populist threat because of how Renzi has handled it.
At first, he threatened to resign if the
referendum failed. Then he seemed to backtrack and recognize the faux pas
of linking his government to the referendum results.
Just yesterday, he was again suggesting he
would leave: "If I have to stay on in parliament [after the defeat of the referendum] and do what
everyone else has done before me, that is, to scrape by and just float there,
that does not suit me." The reasons that the defeat
of the referendum is seen as a boost for
populist forces is that it weakens Renzi and the PD, and therefore strengthens
the second biggest party in Italy, the populist 5-Star Movement, who wants to
have a referendum on EMU membership.
There are a couple of things working in
Renzi's favor despite him. Still, may
not be enough to stem the tide.
First, there is more than four million expats eligible to vote. They are thought
likely to support the referendum. However, only around a third are
expected to vote. This could make a
difference in a close contest, but the recent polls show a 5-7 point lead by
those wanting to reject the referendum.
Second, the wording of the referendum has been
subject to much dispute and legal challenges. It is worded in a way that focuses on the favorable element. Some think this could
be worth a few percentage points in Renzi's favor depending on the number of
undecideds there are at that late date who decide to vote. Note
that most recently the undecided have been breaking to the "No" camp.
Third, Italy reported an unexpected 0.3%
growth in Q3 after a flat Q2. Consumption and industrial output were
the key drivers. However, with unemployment at 11.7% (despite labor
reforms in 2015), many Italian's may have not yet experienced the growth, which
in any event remains less than 1% year-over-year. Moreover, early Q4 data
warns that even the modest growth momentum may not be sustained. Nevertheless, the fact that Italian growth in
Q3 outstripped German growth is noteworthy.
Fourth, Renzi has challenged the EC and
submitted a mildly expansionary budget for next year. The EC pushed
back, wanting more details about the additional expenditures stemming from the
earthquakes and migrant/refugee relief. The EC says it still wants more
information, but it will give Renzi more time to make his case, and won't make
a final decision until early next year.
As we have argued, the European project is predicated on greater integration and the
erosion of national sovereignty. If the populist moment is truly
here, the European project is at risk. This
is a force, as much as the prospect of tighter Fed policy or more US
inflation, that is weighing on the euro.
The Italian Job
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
November 15, 2016