
Chandler attended North Central College for undergraduate work, where he majored in political science and the humanities. He holds master's degrees from Northern Illinois University and the University of Pittsburgh in American History and International Political Economy. Currently, Chandler teaches at New York University Center for Global Affairs, where he is an associate professor. He is also an honorary visiting professor at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia.
A prolific writer and speaker he appears regularly in the press and has spoken for, and is an honorary fellow of, the Foreign Policy Association. In addition to being quoted in the financial press daily, Chandler has been published in the Financial Times, Foreign Affairs, and the Washington Post. In 2009, Chandler was named a Business Visionary by Forbes. In 2009, his book, Making Sense of the Dollar, was published by Bloomberg Press and received a Bronze Award from Independent Publishers.
Chandler's second book was published in February 2017. In some ways, it is the back story of his first book. What is the worldview that informs the myth-busting thrust Making Sense of the Dollar? In Political Economy of Tomorrow, Chandler retells the post-WWII history through the eyes of Charles Conant, an influential journalist and policy wonk in the late 19th century and early 20 century. Conant was introduced in Making Sense of the Dollar, but he plays a central role in the first half of Political Economy of Tomorrow.
Surplus is the central concept of the new book. Social relationships have to change to accommodate the surplus. That is the focus of the second half of Political Economy of Tomorrow. Three relationships are explored, women and men, employee and employers, and citizens and the state. It is not so much that relationships have to change. They already are changing. Chandler tries to map out the direction of those changes.
Though a Chicago native, and lifelong Cubs fan, Chandler currently resides in New York City with his wife, Jeannine, and son, Nathan.
Surplus is the central concept of the new book. Social relationships have to change to accommodate the surplus. That is the focus of the second half of Political Economy of Tomorrow. Three relationships are explored, women and men, employee and employers, and citizens and the state. It is not so much that relationships have to change. They already are changing. Chandler tries to map out the direction of those changes.
Though a Chicago native, and lifelong Cubs fan, Chandler currently resides in New York City with his wife, Jeannine, and son, Nathan.
Unless otherwise stated all the work on this site is that of Marc Chandler and credit should be given as such. Mr. Chandler assumes no responsibility for losses, monetary or otherwise, resulting from the publication of his work. For more information please contact Marc to Market.
Reviewed by magonomics
September 29, 2018