This Great Graphic comes from an essay by Michael Klare in Foreign Affairs. It puts the rising tensions between Japan and China in a larger regional context. The tit-for-tat political maneuvering is spilling over into economics. Not only have Chinese demonstrators attacked Japanese companies in the PRC, but some Japanese manufacturers are taking protective action and cutting output from Chinese plants.
Nationalistic fervor is being fanned in both countries. Japan appears to be headed for national elections in early 2013. Nationalist forces are likely to be strengthen, with some observers seeing a return of the LDP in possible coalition with the new nationalist Restoration Party.
Although the disputed area is thought to have some economic value in terms of gas and oil, these seem secondary to political considerations. As China rises, it first bumps against its neighbors and there are numerous unresolved territorial disputes in the area.
Great Graphic: Contested Territory
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
September 17, 2012