The Managing Director of the IMF and the chief economist are making no bones
about it. More action by the ECB is inevitable. It is "just a question of
timing," says Lagarde and "sooner was better than later", chimed
Blanchard, the chief economist.
The market is less sanguine. A recent Bloomberg poll found only about 2/3 of
the economists surveyed expected the ECB to ease policy in June. The remainder
appear roughly divided between those expecting a May move and those who do
expect it to stand pat.
The Bloomberg survey found more economists expect the ECB to suspended the
sterilization of the liquidity generated by the bonds purchased under Trichet's
SMP program or a new long-term lending facility than QE or negative rates. A
fifth of those survey expect a the end of the liquidity absorption efforts,
which actually have been relatively smoothly conducted now for several weeks.
Another fifth expect new lending facility. The survey found 16% expect QE and
another 16% expect a rate cut.
The euro is firm, having trading above $1.39 briefly today, for the first
time since March 19 and the backing up of US rates after the FOMC meeting and
Yellen's faux pas of defining "a considerable period". EONIA remains
elevated above 20 bp, about twice the year ago level (while effective Fed funds
at at 8 bp, half of what they were a year ago). The rise in EONIA comes despite
the rise in excess liquidity in the Eurosystem of more than 20 bln euros over
the past week.
ECB officials continue to play down the generalized risk of deflation in
region and claim that inflation expectations remain anchored. However, the real
take away is that the ECB is decidedly split about taking more action. An
anticipated bounce in the April CPI, for which a preliminary estimate will be
made at the end of the month, is expected to buy time for Draghi to forge a broad
agreement. A consensus is sought for such an important decision.
Much of the official talk has focused on quantitative easing and ECB
officials, including Draghi have signaled a preference for some private sector
assets, which the US and the BOE did not do in their QE exercise. In
particular, the officials have been talking more about asset backed securities
(ABS). The ECB and BOE published a joint paper today urging regulators to
support and promote a revival of the ABS market, which Draghi had called
"dead". In particular, they wanted "prudently designed"
high quality product.
The point though is that the current ABS market seems too small for any
serious QE program. Industry data indicate that total European issuance of
securitized assets were about 251 bln euros in 2012 and the equivalent of 1.55
trillion euros in the US. In the first half of last year, Europe generated 83.5
bln of ABS, while the US packaged the equivalent of 880 bln euros.
Some of the European ABS are being used already for collateral for
borrowing from the ECB, which means they cannot be included in the universe of
securities the ECB could consider buying under QE. All told, the ABS that are
eligible as collateral at the ECB have almost been halved from the 2010 peak.
To be sure, there is no shortage of debt and can be used for the creation of
asset-backed securities. Total lending in the euro area is estimated at around
17 trillion euros. Earlier on in the crisis, the ECB did buy (~80 bln euros) of
covered bonds, which are similar to ABS except that the issuing bank retains
the risk on their balance sheets and are more favored by regulators.
Many investors and, perhaps, policy makers well, expect that if the ECB
would to adopt QE the euro would decline. While understanding the
argument, we are less sanguine. Our argument is not based first
principles and deduced from the idea that QE expands the supply of a currency
and therefore, ceteris paribus, the currency should depreciate.
Instead, oour approach is more modest. It is through induction.
First, the most aggressive QE presently is the BOJ. Since the yen put
in its low against the dollar on January 2, it has appreciated by more than
3.25% even while the BOJ has bought more than $225 bln of assets. Second,
we note that the US dollar, on the Federal Reserve's real broad trade-weighted index,bottomed
almost 3 years ago (July 2011). At the end of last month, it was about
6.5% above that trough. Third, we recall that the large scale QE by
the Swiss National Bank did not prove effective, and officials responded by
resorted to imposing a cap on the franc.
A QE operation, a new lending facility, or a rate cut could also induce more
buying of the periphery European bonds as the chase for yield
intensifies. Most of the decline, say in Spanish bonds, for example, can
be accounted for by the drop in inflation. Consider that since October
2012, Spanish harmonized inflation has fallen from 3.5% to -0.2%. The
nominal yield of the 10- year bond yield has fallen from almost 6% to about
3.15%. There is room for a further decline in real yields just to match
what they were a year and a half ago.
ECB Action: Just a Question of Time?
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
April 11, 2014