The Greek election is on January 25.
Syriza, the leftist party that seeks to negotiate
more aggressively with the Troika and roll-back some of the austerity
imposed appears to be maintaining its lead of 2-3 percentage points. Even though it may win a plurality,
heading up the next government is a different story. That requires a
majority of parliament.
It may not be able to achieve this even
with the 50 bonus seats given to the party that receives the most votes. This warns of the risk of extended political uncertainty after the election.
The SNB's decision to abandon the cap has
been linked by many observers to the ECB's possible decision next week to buy
sovereign bonds. We think some upward pressure on the
franc may have been coming from risks around the Greek election (and capital
outflows from Russia). We have all seen the stories how banks, electronic
platforms and the like, are making contingency plans in case Greece leaves EMU
and reintroduces its own national currency.
Greeks themselves appear to be also making
contingency plans. Deposits in Greece fell by three bln euros in December. Some
estimate that another four bln euros have
already fled this month.
Two Greek banks have applied to the
national central bank for emergency funds. The fact that they went to the
national central bank instead of the ECB is important. Those emergency
funds (ELA) are more expensive than funds from the ECB directly. Under
the ELA program, the national central bank absorbs the risk and takes lower
quality collateral. The Greek banks either do not have or feared that they would not have the quality of collateral
for borrowing from the ECB.
Since Greece lost its investment grade
status, the ECB has still accepted Greek government bonds as collateral. Greek bonds appear to stand behind
around 2/3 of the 41 bln euros that Greek banks have borrowed from the ECB.
In light
of the European Court of Justice preliminary decision earlier this week, and
some comments from EC officials, the ECB's role as part of the Troika of
official creditors in EMU needs to be re-thought. Even without being part of the
Troika, the ECB is powerful. It has warned
that if Greece fails to arrive at an agreement with the Troika, and the current
agreement expires at the end of next moth, it would no longer be able to
accept Greek government bonds as collateral. Moreover, ECB
approval for the extension of ELA is necessary.
The ECB will review the Greek Central
Bank's request for permission to extend ELA funding next week. It will
likely approve. However, after the end of February,
and if there is no agreement with the Troika, it could refuse to grant
such permission. This would be a financial stranglehold on Greece.
As there is no mechanism in the controlling treaties to expel a country
from monetary union, this could be the causa belli that leads to Greece's exit.
I did not think Greece was going to leave
EMU in the 2010-12 period, and I still do not
think it will leave now. I suspect that the SNB is surprised by the magnitude
of the reaction to its abandonment of the franc cap, in a similar but different way
than officials were surprised by the impact of the fall of Lehman. No one
can feel comfortable thinking that a non-disruptive Greek exit is possible.
A Greek Yearn
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
January 16, 2015