The market is still trying make sense of yesterday's bombshell by
the Swiss National Bank to abandon its franc cap, which affirmed as an integral
part of central bank's monetary policy a few short days ago. Not only were market participants taken by surprise,
but apparently so was the IMF and the ECB.
Since the franc cap was
imposed in 2011, there have been
times when for one reason or another some, including ourselves thought it could
be abandon. However, the SNB did not relent. Last month, when
adjusted for swings in prices, it appeared the SNB intervened by buying around
20 bln euros to defend the cap. It appears
that the SNB accepted that it reached a fork in the road. Given the prospects of continued euro
depreciation and outflows from Russia, where the ruble is off almost 7% this
year, the SNB would have to double down on its efforts to defend the cap
or abandon it. It chose to abandon
it as the lesser of two poor choices.
We find much of what is passing for analysis of the Swiss
decision is speculators talking their books. Judging the from the recent
Commitment of Traders in the futures market and the losses suffered by several
retail platforms, the speculative market was
heavily biased toward short franc positions. At one point, yesterday, the Swiss franc appreciated a
little more than an unprecedented 40% against the euro. It is a painful
reminder that those who make money in the market do not do so by being right
more often but by disciplined risk management. There is no short cut.
Some observers argue that the Swiss experience proves that
fighting "free-market" forces or pegged regimes are unsustainable. Yet several pegs
remain, like the Hong Kong dollar and many Middle East currencies. On
the Swiss news, the market immediately
took the Hong Kong dollar to the strong
side of its band, but the peg (really a
cap) has not been broken. The market did not break the SNB cap as it did,
say, the peg in Mexico in 1994-1995 and
Asia in 1997-1998. The SNB abandoned its strategy.
The SNB's decision does not mean that it will accept a
free-floating currency. We suspect that it may still
accumulate some euros. Given that it reports its reserves in Swiss franc
terms, valuation adjustment alone will point to a dramatic surge.
However, it can be much more flexible in smoothing the currency than
having to defend a Maginot Line. As one would expect, it will take the
market some time to find a new equilibrium. The euro-franc range today is
around five percent and the Swiss stock market is off about five percent as
well. The 10-year benchmark yield is negative nine
Participants are linking the SNB's move to the prospects of
the ECB's move next week. To the extent that the anticipation
of a sovereign bond buying program that will weaken the euro was behind the
SNB's decision, it drives home another point--sometimes in the capital markets,
the cause takes place after the effect. While this may seem counter-intuitive, the anticipatory nature of
participants, both official and private, is a fundamental characteristic.
The market is generally
anticipating that the ECB will announce a new 500-700 bln euro asset purchase
program. The market did not seem to react to ECB's Coeure suggestion
that to be effective the bond buying program needs to be large. Because
even at this late data the Bundesbank Weidmann and others are still reluctant
to endorse a sovereign bond buying program, many suspect a compromise that will
limit the size and risk to the ECB itself.
That said, there are two important considerations. First, it is not a done deal that such a purchase
program is announced next week. At
last month's press conference, Draghi
made it a point, not to commit to the January 22
meeting, and explicitly referred to the March 5 meeting as well.
Subjectively, we would place the odds of an announcement next week at
around 70-75%.
Second, Draghi and the ECB have been specific about their desire. The intention is to return the
balance sheet to its earlier peak. To do so requires around 1 trillion
euros. The covered bond and ABS purchase scheme and the TLTROs may
conservatively get the ECB almost half way there. This does not seem like a case for shock and awe, but rather a
modest program, especially when compared with the Federal Reserve or Bank of
England experience, let alone the extremely ambitious Bank of Japan efforts.
The slippage of euro are CPI into negative territory (-0.2%
year-over-year) was confirmed today. The core rate was revised lower to 0.7%
from 0.8%. The core rate is evidently less
important to the ECB than the headline rate, even though it provided poor
policy signals such as in 2008 when Trichet led the central bank to
hiking rates just before the bottom dropped out, and it entered a prolonged
Aside from trying to make sense of the SNB's
move, the North American session will be dominated by two things: a
flurry of economic data and the price action itself, notably a likely continued
correction in US shares and a fall in yields. The S&P 500 closed on its lows yesterday and is
likely to gap lower at the open. We have found the gaps to be technically
important. A break of the
mid-December lows in the 1972-1973 area would be significant. The next
immediate target would be in the 1957-1960 area. US 10-year yields
slipped to near 1.70% yesterday. They are holding just above there now.
A break of it would suggest potential to 1.60% on the way to 1.5%.
The data may encourage such moves.
Headline CPI may be nearly halved
to 0.7% from 1.3%. The core rate will
prove stickier, but investors should be prepared to see a negative year-over-year
print in the coming months. Industrial
output is likely to be soft. The consensus
expects a 0.1% decline after the outsized
1.3% gain in November. Manufacturing
output likely cooled at the 1.1%
increase, though it may still eke out a small gain. Capacity utilization is expected to have slipped back below the 80% threshold.
Going into today’s data, the Atlanta Fed’s GDP Now sees the US economy
tracking 3.4% annualized growth in Q4 14.
Still Trying to Make Sense of SNB's Bombshell
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
January 16, 2015