The capital markets are particularly difficult to navigate at the
moment. The news stream is noisy. There are three issues that
are confusing: the Fed, Greece and Australia.
How to think about the FOMC minutes? The market clearly saw the
minutes as dovish and reducing the chances of a June lift-off. The debt
market rallied, with the December 2015 Fed funds implied rate slipping below 50
bp, and the dollar came off. However, we think that 1) the market is
exaggerating the dovishness and 2) events since last month's meeting have to be
taken on board.
We have argued that the real signal from the Federal Reserve comes from
its leadership, Yellen, Fisher, and Dudley. Their signal is most
clear in the FOMC statement. If someone disagreed with the statement, they
would dissent. The minutes have a high noise to signal ratio.
The minutes read as if there may have been a push from the hawks to hike rates
in March. The dovish tint to the minutes, we suspect, was a push back
against them.
Since the FOMC meeting, several Fed officials have indicated that a June
hike was still on the table. The international headwinds have
slackened since the FOMC meeting. For one, Fed officials, like all of us,
have learned that the German and Japanese economy appear to have grown faster
than the US in Q4 14. A resolution to the existential issue posed by
Greece will be resolved by the time the Fed meets next month. Also,
since the Fed met in January, they have seen the continued improvement in the
labor market, including a recovery in average hourly earnings.
Some are concerned about the slowing of the US economy in Q4 and so far
in Q1. However, this too should be kept in context of 1) well above
trend growth in April-September and 2) the combination of labor force growth
and productivity, suggests trend growth is in the 2.00-2.50% area rather than
above 3% as it was understood prior to the crisis. Yellen's testimony
before Congress next week is the next important event for insight into
Fed-think. In the mean time, we still expect the Fed to modify its
forward guidance and to shift away from the date-specific "patience"
that will keep the door open to a mid-year hike.
Another issue that seems noisy is the ongoing Greek negotiations.
There was a report in FAZ that suggested there was official interest in Greek
adopting capital controls. The German paper is often seen as a favorite
outlet for some Bundesbank officials. Earlier this week, IFO's Sinn, who
is hostile to the EMU project, called for Greece to introduce capital controls,
but this is hardly policy.
Capital controls in EMU are not and cannot be policy. They are
the expression of the failure of policy, as was and continues to be the case in
Cyprus. It is possible that capital controls are introduced in Greece,
but this still seems quite a ways off and would be a result of the breakdown in
negotiations. As it stands now, the Eurogroup will reconvene to consider
Greece's proposal that is reportedly framed around the Juncker-Moscovici
initiative earlier this week. In effect, Greece appears to be requesting
a four-month extension of the existing loan program with modified
conditionality. In particular, it wants to avoid means like a cut in pensions
or an increase in the VAT that would weaken growth.
The ECB did grant a small increase in the ELA yesterday, but less than
Greece requested, according to reports. Part of the problem is the
concern that the ELA funds would be used by the banks to buy government
T-bills. This is objectionable on grounds that it is agreed that ELA
funds should not be used as an indirect way to finance the government.
We have identified the set of maneuvers in Europe as brinkmanship.
By definition, this means going to the very brink, which could even carry into
very early March. That is the only way each side can be sure they are
getting the very best possible deal. That said, we continue to
expect that Greece stays within the monetary union.
The Australian dollar is the weakest
of the majors, losing a little more than 0.5%. The main trigger was S&P warning the
country’s triple-A rating is at risk due to the deterioration of its fiscal
situation. However, this is a reiteration
of what it has said before. With government
debt around 20% of GDP, this is not an imminent threat. This is not to say we are bullish on the
Australian dollar. On medium term view,
we expect the central bank’s downside objective $0.7500 objective to be surpassed. We
have not been keen on a March cut after the February move. However, a Q2 rate cut still seems the most
likely scenario.
There are two other developments to
note. First, Japan’s January trade
deficit was smaller than expected at JPY1.177 trillion. The consensus had expected a JPY1.681
trillion shortfall. Japanese exports
rose 17.0% year-over-year. This follows
a 12.8% increase in December and expectations of a 13.5% increase. This is the strongest growth since late-2013
and comes on the heels of the BOJ upgrading its assessment of exports
yesterday. Exports to Asia are
booming. They are up more than 22% from a
year ago, compared with 11% in December.
Exports to China are up 20.8% after a 4.3% increase previously. Exports to the US slowed to 16.5% from
nearly 24%. Imports fell 9%. This reflects the decline in commodity
prices. The consensus expected a 4.9%
decline after a 1.9% increase in December.
Second, today’s Department of Energy
oil inventory figures will be closely watched. Yesterday API reported a 14.3 mln barrel
increase in US crude stocks. This is a
huge build. It is equivalent to about a
day and half of US production. The refinery
strikes may be flattering the inventory growth.
It is a major weigh on oil prices today, extending yesterday’s
losses. The DOE’s estimate was expected
to show a more mild 3 mln barrel build.
High Noise to Signal Drives Markets
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
February 19, 2015