The Greek issue has been sufficiently
resolved for now that investors' focus will shift elsewhere in the week ahead. The answers to three questions will
dominate the market's attention.
* How strong are the deflationary forces?
* Are the cyclical recoveries still
* What is the outlook for Fed
The January inflation readings from the
US, EMU and Japan will be released in the coming days. The euro area preliminary data has already been reported. This week's report is expected to confirm the -0.6% year-over-year
headline rate and a 0.6% core rate.
Germany and Spain will offer preliminary
February readings. Both are not expected to deviate
much from the January pace of -0.5% and -1.5% respectively. The monetary
response, the ECB's accelerated asset purchase plan, which will include
sovereign bonds, will be launched next month.
Even if the ECB's bond buying program can be successfully implemented, for which there is
increasing skepticism, it is not clear that it will boost inflation. The BOJ's balance sheet is expanding
by 1.4% a month. In the H1 15 it will expand by more than the ECB's over
18-month initial projection. Yet, it
is not clear that Japan has slayed its deflation demon. When allowances are made for the retail sales tax increase last
April, Japanese CPI is barely positive.
Neither the nation's January report nor Tokyo's February report is
expected to change much from the previous
Headline US CPI is expected to slip into negative territory (-0.1%) on a
year-over-year basis, with a 0.6% decline in January alone. Such a report will likely spur speculation
that the Fed cannot raise interest rates with a negative headline inflation.
However, the key for policy makers is not headline inflation. They
accept that the dramatic decline in energy prices dampens inflation, but its
impact on prices is transitory. By this time next year, the bulk of the
impact will be dropped by the base effect. The core rate, which in the US
excludes food and energy, is more stable and is expected to be unchanged from
the 1.6% paces seen in December.
The cyclical recoveries in the euro area
and Japan continued into the early part of this year. Perhaps encouraged by strong
December exports (17% year-over-year), Japan's industrial production is
forecast to have risen by 3% in January. Output rose 0.8% last December
and 1.0% in November.
New data from the euro area is thin next
week. Outside
of the inflation reports, the other two reports that will confirm the cyclical
recovery. First, Germany's IFO business survey is expected to rise for
the fourth consecutive month. Second, money supply growth (M3) has begun strengthening,
and this is expected to have continued. The same can be said for bank lending.
Apart from the housing market, which has continued to disappoint, the main new
information from the US will be durable goods orders. The January orders are expected to
have increased for the first time since last October. A modest 1.6%
increase is expected after last
December's 3.4% drop.
New from the world's second largest
economy may not be as favorable. The February PMI readings will be reported this week. The risk is on the
downside. The economy is in a transition and growth has slowed. This should not be
exaggerated. Chinese officials appear to believe that within
reason, this slowing is acceptable and "natural" given the labor
force dynamics. It also allows a catching of the collective breathe and
reducing some excesses as it continues its quest for "the China
dream" (doubling GDP and GDP per capita between 2010 and 2020).
From a global point of view, even assuming
6 3/4% growth this year, China will contribute about
$660 bln to the world economy. This still outstrips the US. Making a generous assumption of 3% growth this year,
the US economy will contribute around
$520 bln to the world economy.
Some link the likely downward revision in
Q4 US GDP to below 2.0% from 2.6% and the
fact that Q1 15 growth is looking soft (2.3-2.5%) to the dovish January FOMC
minutes. We suspect
this is a mistake and expect Fed Chair Yellen to correct this impression in her
testimony before Congress.
What resonates with the Fed is not GDP,
which as we all know is a flawed measure, but the fact that personal
consumption rose 4.3% in Q4, the strongest in more than a decade. Moreover, for
those concerned about debt-financed consumption, revolving credit has barely
grown. What will resonate with the Fed is that in
the last three months the US created over a million jobs for the first
time in nearly 20 years.
The leadership at the Federal Reserve had
led many to expect a mid-year lift off. However, doubts have grown, and this has corresponded with a
consolidative phase for the dollar. After the FOMC minutes, the December
Fed funds futures contract implied an average effective rate of less than 50
bp. Although the market corrected this view a little before the weekend,
we expect Yellen make it clear the Fed's patience is not limitless. A
hike, not today or tomorrow, but four months from now is still reasonable.
The way the Fed communicated its tapering
decision was effective and appears to be
deployed again. Tell the market what you are thinking
about doing. Offer some time frame. Give investors plenty of time
to adjust. The timing is data driven,
but it is not completely unpredictable.
Finally, execute.
The Fed rightfully did not let the
economic contraction in Q1 14 distract it from its tapering strategy, despite
the appeal of many. It understands that the recent
slowing follows a well-above trend six month growth (April-September) that is
partly being corrected now. Even the expected downward revision to Q4 GDP
is not all negative, as the downward revision in inventories suggests tat some
of those excess being absorbed.
The Fed's leadership has been preparing
the market gradually for a change in US monetary policy. The emergency settings that were so necessary in the darkest days are no
longer needed. To be sure, the economy is not firing on all
cylinders, but no one is really talking
about a dramatic increase in interest rates.
Look for Yellen to be patient with US Congress
as she explains why the Fed's patience with emergency-level rates may be
drawing to a close, and that this is a constructive sign. It is also through this lens that
Yellen will likely address questions about the dollar. The exchange value
of the dollar is one of the factors taken into account in assessing the
monetary conditions.
It is true that all else being equal a
rise of the dollar on a broad-traded weighted basis adjusted for inflation will
dampen growth. However, all things are not equal, and the strength of the dollar has been offset by the decline in interest rates
and oil. The dollar's strength is a reflection of the relative
performance of the US economy. Of course, part of the dollar's rise has
been fueled by expectations of a Fed hike. Such anticipation will not be an important hurdle to the decision to hike rates later.
Three Questions to be Answered in the Week Ahead
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
February 22, 2015