When the Swiss National Bank lifted its cap on
the franc, many thought they understood the message. It had reached
the end of its rope. Some suggested the ownership structure of the SNB
(owned by the Swiss cantons and individuals vs the stock exchange) opposed a
further expansion of the its balance sheet (~80% of GDP vs ~20-25% in the UK
and US by comparison.
This was an important realization.
Out of the Great Depression, national governments discovered their balance
sheets. Although Reagan and Thatcher talked about rolling back the
welfare state, neither succeeded. The state actually grew under Reagan, and
the number of federal government employee rose. Still the Great Financial
Crisis seemed to suggest limitations on the ever increasing state, and this was
reflected in the loss of AAA rating by most high income sovereigns.
In the Great Financial Crisis, central banks
discovered their balance sheet. Is there no limit? From a
purely theoretic point of view, there is not one as the central bank can swap
reserves for securities endlessly. The Bank of Japan is expanding its
balance sheet by 1.4% a month.
On practical grounds, there seems to be some
limit. By buying nearly the entire new supply of Japanese government
bonds, the BOJ is disrupting the trading in the largest bond market in the
world. It has suggested that if it were to decide to increase its
quantitative easing efforts, it would have to buy other instruments, such as
regional bonds.
However, as we argued since the SNB's surprise
announcement, the decision to abandon the franc's cap does not mean that it has
abandoned its strategy, and its balance sheet would likely still expand. The
cap was a tactic. It changed tactics. We compare the cap to a
Maginot Line. It abandoned this tactic. It was too rigid. Its
intervention became predictable and therefore acted as a transfer of wealth to
Swiss officials have not suddenly embraced a
true free-floating franc. There are numerous signs of SNB
intervention, which means its balance sheet is still expanding.
Reports over the weekend claim the SNB has an unofficial target range for the
euro of CHF1.05-CHF1.10. What does the unofficial range mean? Does
not mean that it is not obligated to intervene to defend it? Does it mean
anything but a level that is desired by some officials?
A couple of weeks ago, there was much
hand-wringing about the SNB's loss of credibility. Signs of SNB
intervention helped weakened the franc last week. It was the worst
performing of the major currencies. Its losses have been extended today,
encouraged by the report of the unofficial target range. Since last
Monday's low near CHF0.9790, the euro has rallied nearly 9% to today's high
just below CHF1.0590.
If the SNB's balance sheet has not peaked,
have interest rates bottomed? The SNB is targeting 3-month LIBOR of
-75 bp. This is not the bottom of rates. The -75 bp target is the
middle of its 3-month LIBOR range of -25 bp to -125 bp. The
SNB has the flexibility of letting the LIBOR range to be explored. It
could cut rates into deeper negative territory. Note that the one-month
interbank rate is -172.5 basis points. The government's 3-year note
yields -77 bp.
Denmark is in a somewhat different position.
The sole basis of its monetary policy is the link to the euro. Under
ERMII, it is obligated to keep the krone in a +/- 2.25% band around 7.46038
against the euro. In practice, it has adopted a narrower band of
1%. That is what is has been having difficulty maintaining. It has
intervened and cut interest rates three times last month. Its key rate
now stands at - 50 bp. It can cut interest rates further and can
continue to intervene.
It has requested that the government stop
issuing new debt to discourage speculators. This will not stop the
speculation, but it could have a larger impact on Danish rates. The yield
on the 10-year government bond was halved today to 18 bp. It was 60 bp on
January 21.
There is another option for Denmark.
Unlike the SNB's franc cap, the Denmark's currency regime is supported by the
ECB. ERMII commits the strong and weak members to intervene to defend the
band. The lack of action by the ECB last week indicates that it does not
feel compelled to defend the narrow 1% band. When the SNB lifted
its cap, an incredible mark-up (not appreciating trend) took place, more than
40% at one point. Denmark has a fallback option. Let the currency
strengthen to the 2.25% band and force the ECB to show its hand.
Part of the crisis in the euro zone is shaped
by the abandonment of this principle that was enshrined in the ERM of
reciprocal action by the strong and weak countries. Both had a shared
responsibility, agreed to by treaty, to participate in the adjustment
process. EMU freed Germany from such obligations while preventing its
neighbors from devaluing, as they previously periodically did.
The key take away is that policy makers and
investors still do not know the practical limit of a central bank's balance
sheet. We have walked through Alice in Wonderland's looking
glass. A world of negative interest rates seemed incomprehensible a few
short months ago. Now estimates suggest that between Europe and Japan
there are more than $3 trillion of debt securities with negative yields.
For so long, interest rates were thought to be bounded by zero. Policy
makers and investors are still fishing for the new limit.
Trying to Wrap Your Head around the SNB and Denmark?
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
February 02, 2015