In the 1980s and 1990, there was a split in
the Green Party in Germany. The fundis were very principled and
doctrinaire. The realos were more interested in sharing power to shape
policy. For them, unlike the fundis, political expediency need not be a
Arguably all significant political movements
have a similar split. In any event, this split seems to be hobbling
Syriza, which faces an arduous task in any event.
A little more than a third of Syriza opposed
the agreement struck at the end of last month that Prime Minster Tsipras
negotiated. There has been practically no progress since
then. Instead, there has been bickering over symbols, like where meetings
should be held and what to call the official creditors. The fundis are
represented by Finance Minister Varoufakis, a
self-declared erratic Marxist,
Though charismatic, Varoufakis seems to be
more interested shock politics and symbols than actual concrete results.
He has made several miscalculations. He thought the other peripheral
countries, debtors in their own right, would support Greece. They have
not, and moreover, Spain and Portugal have taken quite critical stands.
He thought the ECB would capitulate, but it hasn't. He overplayed his
hand with leaks and antagonistic comments. Varoufakis has bluffed with a
weak hand. Just after Greece made a 300 mln euro payment to the IMF at
the end of last week, Varoufakis seemed to threaten (in an interview in Italy's
Il Corriere della Sera) to default to the IMF.
Reports suggest the realos, including Prime
Minister Tspiras are trying to rein in Varoufakis. They want him to
talk less and do more. But Varoufakis is a symbol himself of the fundis,and
he does speak for a significant part of the coalition. Yet he has
wasted valuable time, during which the economic and financial conditions have
deteriorated. Much economic and financial progress seen in the middle of
quarters of last year has all but dissipated. Capital flight has drained
deposits at the banks, leaving them with fewer deposits than in
A poll over the weekend in the Efimerida Ton
Syntakton newspaper showed a marked decline in those with a positive opinion of
the government. It has fallen from 83.6% to 64%. While most
governments would be envious of such support, it suggests that it is not just
the official creditors and other members of the euro area that are increasingly
exasperated by the government, but its public support is beginning to erode.
The latest reform proposals, delivered at the
end of last week, were different from the proposals from February 20th rather
than further developing them. According to press reports, some EU
officials dismissed the latest proposals as "amateurish".
It follows sending wrong documents and contradictory signals. This is not
the same as inexperienced, which is a given and
Greece has painfully little room to maneuver
as the official creditor demands are onerous. The official creditors
have cut off the assistance funds to Greece since the middle of last year, long
before Syriza's electoral victory. Yet even with a tight leash and
limited degrees of freedom, the internal fight between the realos and the
fundis has left Greece with less.
technical discussions will start on Wednesday in Brussels. For largely symbolic reasons, Greece has
resisted a visit by the official creditors to Athens. This has caused a delay and deepened the
sense exasperation. Greece has a T-bill auction this week that
will largely offset a maturing issue.
It has a roughly another 300 mln euro payment due to the IMF by the end
of the week.
Greece: The Battle between the Realos and Fundis
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
March 09, 2015