Greece is expected to submit a more complete list of reforms in order to
free up funds so the country can service its obligations. Four times
the Greek government has provided lists and four times the European group of
finance minister rejected it.
The IMF, which violated its own rules over the objections of its senior
staff in its extensive exposure to Greece, insist that Syriza, abandon its
anti-austerity drive and institute the necessary reforms to avoid
default. The unelected and unrepresentative IMF leadership has
indicated that it has no obligation to take seriously the desires of the Greek
The issue of contention appears to come down to the Greek government's
unwillingness to include additional cuts in pensions and further labor
market reforms into is proposals. Just the Greek government appears
to have under-estimated the resolve of the both core and peripheral
countries not to relax their demands, so too have the official creditors
under-estimated the resolve of the Greek government, as inexperienced and
clumsy as it may be.
Greek officials have studied Keynes' Economic Consequences of Peace, or
at least have taken it to heart, more than others in Europe. The
implications appear to have been lost on the creditors. Leaving the moral
arguments aside, Greece's debt in the present form is
unsustainable. The extend and pretend game requires
complicity from all parties. The new Greek government is the first
government that says no.
The Syriza government is widely perceived to be left-wing. Even
in his column
today, Paul Krugman says it is "genuinely left-wing (as opposed to
center-left)..." But what does this really mean? Such calculus
does not grasp the realignment being spurred by the economic and financial
crisis. Syriza endorses a permanent budget surplus. Since when is
that a leftist program? It wants to crackdown on rent seeking behavior
and promote profit-seeking behavior. Leftist agenda?
It is true that it wants to preserve a social safety net, but that is not
only a leftist position. One will find, for example, that the
National Front in France advocates a similar position. Anti-austerity
cuts across the political spectrum in Italy as well. It is one of
the few issues on which Berlusconi and Grillo seem to agree.
The official creditors insist that the entire responsibility rests with
Greece to make adjust. One principle that was enshrined in the ERM
and other European institutions before EMU was reciprocity. Recall that
at Bretton Woods, Keynes lost his argument that both the strong and weak
countries ought to share the burden of adjustment. Representing the key creditor
country, America's Harry Dexter White successfully rebuffed such
efforts. However, the ERM was predicated on such a principle and
operationally, both the Bundesbank and the peripheral central banks would
intervene to defend the currency bands.
Reciprocity was part of the glue that held the region together.
It is now being eschewed. In the early days of the crisis, before the
EFSF and ESM; before the ECB developed new capacities, bilateral loans from
other eurozone members aided Greece. This helped forge a group of
national government creditors, even while many are still debtors themselves
except to Greece. Some are counting on re-payment for their own
debt/deficit calculations. A default by Greece would worsen the fiscal condition
of other members.
There are two key points that must be recognized and resolved for the
crisis to end. First, European officials want to argue that EMU is
irreversible. Many say that Greece exaggerated its performance to get
into EMU in the first place. If it did, it was not alone. In fact,
the liberal interpretation that allowed Germany and France in was wide enough
to let other peripheral countries join. Even if Greece ought not to
be in the EMU, as some argue, that train has already left the station.
The issue now begins with Greece being a member. A
Grexit would resolve the issue for ever more that the EMU is reversible.
Second, Greek debt is not sustainable. It has reached economic
and political limits. For the last few months, the argument is been cast
as either Greece makes the necessary reforms, or it leaves EMU and defaults. US states failed in the 19th century or some
US cities failed, including most recently Detroit, No one seriously
contemplated them (city or state) from leaving the union.
Just as Europe has devised rules and procedures (standardize) the failure of
financial institutions, it needs to do the same with regions and states.
And it needs to do this within the confines of monetary union.
Greece is once again proving to be the catalyst for the evolution of
Irresistible Force Meets Immovable Object
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
April 20, 2015