There is an element that links the terrible
human tragedy in the Mediterranean and the ongoing Greek crisis. It
is Europe's over-emphasis on moral hazard.
Moral hazard is the idea that people will
act irresponsibly if they do not have to bear the consequences.
No doubt, the concept offers valuable insight, up to a point. The problem
lies with its excessive reliance.
The European Council will hold an
extraordinary meeting on Thursday following what appears to be among the most
deadly accidents in the Mediterranean. Illegal human trafficking has risen in recent years as the political instability in
Northern Africa and the Middle East has increased. Unsafe, overcrowded
vessels have resulted in thousands of deaths and rising. An estimated
3500 people died in passage last year though an estimated 219k were
Due to Italy's proximity and the initial destination of choice,
it has taken the lead. However, its Mare Nostrum program (October
2013) was expensive (estimated cost 9.5 mln euro a month) and was criticized
for offering a near taxi service for refugees. An overcrowded boat, often
with no captain, would set sail and then call for help. Italy's navy
would help ensure the safety of the refugees.
However, many European officials argued that
the rescues were encouraging the refugees. So they replaced Mare
Nostrum with Operation Triton. Minimize rescue efforts in the
Mediterranean to discourage such immigration. Estimates suggest Operation
Triton costs a third of Mare Nostrum. Don't make it so easy to cross the
Mediterranean by making it more dangerous. Reduce the number of coast
guard ships. That will teach them not to expect European countries
to save them from the consequences of their own decisions.
In contrast, the US has moved in opposite
direction. It is not that the US immigration policy is not without
its flaws and challenges. However, the US has increased its patrol of the
US-Mexican borders and has made it much easier for refugees to call for
help. Last year the number of Mexicans dying trying to cross into the US fell
to 15-year lows (307 in FY 2014 after 445 in FY2013).
This week's Mediterranean tragedy that has
taken the lives of 700-950 people is spurring European officials to rethink
their policy. Teaching the lessons of moral hazard is recognized as
an inadequate response. Not only will the policy be reformed, but the
costs have to be shared. Italy and Malta and Greece cannot bear the
financial burdens alone.
The time to teach the refugees that the human
traffickers are dangerous is not when they are in the middle of the
Mediterranean. The time to teach that playing with matches is
dangerous is not while their house is on fire.
The same general point applies to the official
creditors' stance toward Greece. Greece is guilty purely by
being a debtor. After all, in German and Dutch, the word for guilt and
debt is the same (schuld). If an ounce of forbearance is shown to Greece,
it is feared, profligate behavior will be encouraged. Trying to
teach Greece a lesson is taking precedence over facilitating an economic
recovery and rehabilitation. It could wreck the larger monetary
European officials want monetary union to be
irreversible. It took the bloodiest war in American history to
resolve once and for all whether that union was reversible.
Understandably, Europe does not want its monetary union to be forged with
blood, but it needs to demonstrate its resolve to keep the union
together. A Greek exit, intentional or accidental (whatever
that really means) would settle the issue for ever more, with serious financial
and political repercussions. Moreover, a Greece outside of EMU and the EU would
likely create further challenges for the Europe, including exacerbating its
immigration challenge.
Perhaps the largest deficit in Europe is not
about money but in its vision. It cannot see yet that moral hazard is
not the end all and be all. It cannot be the sole guiding principle
without disastrous outcomes. Greater union is part of the solution
to both European migration and Greek challenges. There is little to be
achieved in either case with stressing the moral hazards. With a 25%
contraction in the economy and a three-fold increase in unemployment, the Greek
ship is sinking. Now is not the time to
insist on swimming lessons.
Moral Hazard Taken Too Far
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
April 21, 2015