It is not that May did not have its challenges. The German bund extended flash
crash had knock-on effects throughout the capital markets. The dollar, which had been trending lower since
mid-March, staged an impressive rally in the second half of May that completely
unwound the weakness in the first half of the month, and carried it to new
multi-year highs against the Japanese yen and New Zealand dollar.
The polls gave
no indication that the UK Conservatives would secure a majority in parliament. Despite Spain boasting among the strongest growth
in the EU, Prime Minister Rajoy's Popular Party was punished in local and
regional elections. Local and regional elections in Italy are being
held today (May 31). Prime Minister Renzi,
heading one of the few center-left governments in Europe (parliament was
elected even if he was not), is expected to fare better, but still see support
for the PD slip. This is despite the
fact that the economy appears to have expanded for two consecutive quarters for the first time in
four years.
Repeated Greek
optimism that a deal was at hand only to be shot down by the official creditors
also provided for investor anxiety. It is
been nearly a year since Greece received financial assistance and four months
since Syriza's election. Yet, even at
this late date, a Greek exit from EMU remains a possibility, according no less
than the Managing Director of the IMF. The German Finance Minister
even broached the idea of a parallel currency in Athens.
Rather the
message here is that June will be even more challenging
for investors. May events took the market to a crossroads, and June could very well shape the
third quarter, if not the remainder of the year.
1. Talk
of a US recession is exaggerated. Not only is the repeated weakness in
the first months of the year prompting methodoligical changes, it does not jive with
the 1.4% increase in Gross Domestic Income (GNI=GDP). What the Fed has
identified as transitory headwinds are
easing and the US economy is expanding. Key
economic data in the week will likely include a small uptick in the core PCE
deflator (from 1.3% to 1.4%), the first increase in the manufacturing PMI since
last October, and a reduction in the US trade deficit (consensus for $44 bln
deficit in April after the $51.4 bln blowout in March). US May
auto sales are expected to surpass the 17
mln annualized pace. The average
pace in the first four months was nearly 16.6 mln
(compared to 15.7 mln in the year-ago
The highlight
of the week is the monthly jobs report. The Bloomberg consensus calls for a 225k increase, which is in line with the
initial estimate of 223k in April. Many, if not a majority, see scope
for a tick up in hourly earnings. While the Fed's critics complain that the central bank is consistently too
optimistic on the economy, the fact is it has been too pessimistic the
improvement in the labor market. Aggregate
hours increased by 2.1% in Q1, and nonfarm payrolls rose 2.2% in the
quarter. The various measures of the unemployment rate have fallen, and
weekly initial jobless claims made new cyclical lows in May.
2. The
eurozone's unemployment is more than twice the US level even if it slips to
11.2% in April, as expected from 11.3% in
March. As
many already seem to appreciate, the deflationary forces in EMU easing. The
preliminary May CPI estimate is expected
to show a 0.2% increase year-over-year. This would be he highest since
last November. The core rate may firm to 0.7% from 0.6%, which would
match the highest level since last September. This is hardly sufficient
though for the ECB, and Draghi is likely to say as much at the press conference
following the ECB meeting, which means that no early exit from QE is planned.
Still, Draghi is likely to be cautiously optimistic that the cyclical
recovery is gaining traction. Despite the weak labor markets, April
retail sales are expected to rise 0.6% after a 0.8% decline in March. It
would be the strongest of the year so far.
As was the case
in 2010, Greece stands out only as an extreme version of what ails the eurozone
as a whole. Integration remains very much an elite project while people chafe under its demands
for austerity. The debt overhang remains significant,
and the slow growth is not sufficient to arrest the erosion of bank balance
sheets and the continued rise in non-performing loans. In Europe, the bad
loans are greater and provisioning less than in the US.
Greece has a
roughly 300 mln euro payment due to the IMF on June 5, one of four payments due in the month. The last payment was made only when Greece dipped into its
special reserve account at the IMF to pay the very same IMF. There is a facility by why Greece can bundle its payments
due over the course of the month, which would extend the June 5 deadline.
This facility apparently has been
used once before for Zambia. Although the IMF indicated it was Greece's right to make the request, it has
reportedly not done so yet. There seems to have been some progress toward a deal, and if it is not made soon, there will not be enough time to secure the various parliament approvals before the interim agreement expires at the end of June.
3. Some
observers scoff at the reluctance/inability of
the Federal Reserve to hike rates despite the economic recovery
beginning in mid-2009. The Bank of England is in a similar position but seems further away from lift-off.
Anything important from this week's MPC meeting will not be known until
the minutes are reported later in June. The UK's manufacturing sector
appears sapped. The PMI peaked in August 2013 at 58.4. It averaged 53.6
in Q1. Even in May's reading ticks up to 52.5 as the consensus expects,
the manufacturing PMI would be averaging 52.3 in Q2. The service sector
is faring better, but after the rise in April to 59.5 (from 58.9) it is
expected to pull back to 59.2 in
4. The
Reserve Bank of Australia will meet on August 2. The central bank has adopted a
neutral posture after a mini-easing cycle
that brought the cash rate to a record low of 2.0%. The market is pricing
in practically no chance of a cut now, but many investors continue to look for
another rate cut in this cycle. The fact that the Australian dollar has
lost 6.75% against the US dollar since the high on May 14 may be one of the
factors buying the RBA some time. The weakness of the New Zealand dollar (-8.5% against
the US dollar since late April) and the 4.7% depreciation of the yen
(since May 14) has mitigated the impact on the Australian dollar's trade-weighted
index, which has fallen only 3%).
5. The US
dollar finished last week above JPY124, its highest weekly close since the
second half of 2002. Many participants are at a loss to
see a proximate cause. After all, US 10-year yields have fallen almost 30
bp during the dollar surge against the yen
and US stocks are practically flat over the same period. That said,
the Nikkei has rallied non-stop since May 15. That eleven day
advance through May 29 is the longest streak since early 1988.
Speculators in the futures market have
expanded the gross short yen position over the past two weeks (through May 26)
by the most for nearly three years.
holds its semi-annual meeting on June 5. Given the stabilized and recovery in
oil prices, and the continued strong production among non-OPEC producers, like
the US and Russia, Saudi Arabia is unlike to bow to pressure from some OPEC
members to cut output. When it did
not cut production last November, there was a dramatic response. This
time the market response is likely to be more muted. Geopolitical
developments in the Middle East, with ISIS threatening supplies, poses upside
risk to prices. The US EPA reportedly will cut the corn-ethanol
production quota, and this is also seen as a positive development for
June's other
key events beyond this week:
A. G7
meeting (June 7-8)--no fresh initiatives are likely. It is still at 3-6 months away from
a preliminary code of conduct for banks.
There is much international pressure on Europe to resolve the Greek
crisis. The US and Japan appear isolated within the G7 in terms of
opposition to the AIIB. One aspect that is often
overlooked is China is the biggest recipient
of infrastructure loans from the Asian Development Bank. It is also
likely to be the biggest recipient of loans from the AIIB, as it builds out the One Belt-One Road regional
hegemony strategy. The potential conflict of interests and the lack of
transparency could come to haunt what so many have heralded as an unalloyed
good. None of European country's demand, including more representation on the board and permanent
on-site directors, were met in the final negotiations before the official
to decide whether to include China A shares into its global indices on June 9. The Hong Kong-Shanghai link and plans
to expand it to Shenzhen, as well as other liberalization
efforts makes an affirmative decision likely. The Shanghai Composite is
up 126% over the past 12 months, and the
Shenzhen Composite is up 165%. Chinese officials have encouraged a move
to the exchanges from the shadow banking sector. Companies have been
encouraged to raise equity capital instead of debt. Stimulative measures,
including lower interest rates, may also be encouraging
equity gains. Some domestics may be
buying in anticipation a flood of foreign capital if MSCI includes the A
C. Saudi
Arabia is expected to open up its equity market to foreign investors via a
Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII) like China's in the middle of
June. The measure may not be initially
enough for to include Saudi shares in frontier
indices. It nevertheless will be seen as an encouraging development, and
perhaps the beginning of integrating Saudi Arabia into the global capital
D. The EU
Summit on June 25-26 may see a new initiative from France and Germany to
encourage greater political and economic integration within the euro zone.
They want to
do so within existing treaties. France and Germany hold national
elections in 2017 when Cameron has
promised an "in-out referendum on the UK's EU membership. While arbitraging welfare benefits by immigrants
appears to be a greater source of angst than the regulation and tax arbitrage
of businesses, few countries seem to share the UK's focus. Prime Minister
Cameron's fall back option appears to be to seek an opt-out the EU's obligation to
an "ever closer union".
Turkey's election is June 7, and
Denmark's election is June 18. In Turkey, the key issue is not if the ruling
Justice and Development Party (AKP), led Erdogan (three-times Prime Minister
and now President) wins, but if it secures a super-majority (2/3). Erdogan wants to a super-majority to change the balance of
power in Turkey and concentrate it in the executive. In Denmark, the
Social Democrat Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt seeks a second term. The
polls show a narrow lead by a
center-right coalition lead by former
Prime Minister Rasmussen. Thorning-Schmidt
is hoping the economic recovery (GDP to grow by 1.6% this year according to
her government and 2% in 2016) will offset her pursuit of policies that have
antagonized her base (such as selling the utility Dong and toughening the
policy for asylum seekers. She did get high marks for the handling of the shooting in Copenhagen in February. It will also be a
test for the anti-immigration People
Party that did well in last year's EU Parliamentary election.
F. The
Federal Reserve meets June 16-17. It will include an update of the
Fed's forecasts, and is followed by a press conference. We had previously
thought June was a likely timeframe for the Fed's lift off, but this is no
longer seems the case. It was seen
as a close call between June and September,
and the latter seems more likely, barring a new economic shock. Given the
contraction in Q1, it is hard to see how
the Fed's central tendency (forecast
after the three high and low forecasts are excluded) of 2.5% (2.3%-2.7%) can be achieved. Remember the Fed saw this as
above trend growth. The forecast is likely to be
cut to 2.0% or maybe even a bit lower. This will be more in line
with what economists see as trend growth. We do not see this in itself to
be a barrier to a Fed hike, provided that slack in the labor market continue to be absorbed.
May Flies, but June Bugs
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
May 31, 2015