Reports exaggerated the significance of
the May 12 procedural vote in the US Senate. Some called it a rebuke of Obama.
Others said it was a stunning blow or a sharp defeat. It was none
of these things. After looking at what happened, we quickly
concluded that this was a
minor setback that was easily fixed.
We had thought it might take a couple of weeks to sort things out. Although the Senate is
known as a deliberative body, it can move fast when the leadership
wants, and it wants. A vote now looks likely tomorrow. An arrangement has been worked out by which there will be separate votes on three
related bills, including the tougher bill
on currency manipulation. This will be followed
by a vote on Trade-Promotion Authority (TPA) itself. The bills that pass
will be bundled together and sent to the House of Representative.
If the May 12 vote was a rebuke, it was of
the Republican leadership in Senate. If they want need Democrat
support, which they do from time to time despite their majority, they need to
compromise. The initial vote that lost was a vote against how the Republican's
handled the issue--rode roughshod over the Democrats. After trying it their way, the Republican leaders
quickly accepted they have to do it the right way.
The TPA is expected to pass the Senate. This may help strengthen the US
trade negotiators' position at the next round of talks that take place May
15-24 in Guam. Attention will turn to the House of Representatives.
It is a much closer call because the Republican Party itself is split.
The Republican Party,
like all modern political parties, is a coalition. There is a faction associated with
Tea Party insurgency that does not want to give the President any more
authority. Many also do not want Congress to abrogate its
responsibilities by surrendering such power to the executive. There are
some nationalists who worry that such
agreements surrender sovereignty.
There are 245 Republican Representatives. It takes a simple majority of 217 to
pass a bill. That allows the party to suffer 28 defects (no votes)
before needing the Democrat votes.
How many Democrat votes are there? There are 188 Democrat
Representatives, but the free-trade wing is under-represented. Reports
indicate that there are about a dozen Democrat Representatives that will
support TPA.
Why under-represented? Pew Research found that the was not as much of a
difference in the attitude about free trade between Republicans and Democrats,
and to the extent there was, the Democrats were more supportive.
This is true, even though, fewer
Democrats than Republicans believe that trade agreements are good for employment or wages. Overall,
55% of Americans think TPP is a good
thing. This was a function of 59% of Democrats and 49% of Republicans.
The rank and file Republicans may not be
as supportive of trade as their
representatives. The rank and file Democrats may be more supportive of trade than their representatives.
Many press reports have been critical of
Hilary Clinton's near silence on the issue. There will an opportunity for her to
weigh in on her views. This is not it. Whether the US Congress
surrenders their constitutional right to debate and amend a bill is not for her
to say. The TPA is for six years. That means that if Clinton is elected,
she will also have that authority.
Clinton needs to be as careful picking her
enemies as she is her friends. There is no need to alienate the
President, who's support, is helpful.
There is no need to alienate the
environmental and labor groups who are leading the resistance to TPP, who will
be the important foot soldiers in the
That said, ultimately Clinton, like nearly
every Democrat president, comes from the free-trade wing of the party.
She shares with others a concern about what
economists call externalities, or unintended consequences, like displacing
workers, or eroding environmental protection.
A miscue by Republican leadership in the
Senate is easily fixed. The key in the House of Representative
will be the number of defects from the Republicans. No more than 40 defects can be acceptable, unless there are more than
12 Democrat supporters.
Putting TPP Back on Track
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
May 13, 2015