Wilson Mizner is credited with the advice to
be nice to people on your way up because you will meet them on your way down.
This may apply to us as individuals, but not to countries. We are struck by
the fact that creditor nations are acting like creditors and debtor nations are
acting like debtors, no matter their history. The picture to the left is from
the 1950s. The Greek finance minister is signing off on a 50% reduction of
German debt.
1. Why is Greece, whose economy less
than 2% of Europe, dominating the headlines and investors' attention?
The end of the global credit cycle in 2008 first
hit Greece in 2010. Europe was ill-prepared from an institutional point
of view to cope with the crisis. After Greece sought aid, several other
European countries needed assistance, including Ireland, Portugal and
Cyprus. Spain received assistance for its banking sector. The Greek
economy has contracted by more than a quarter. Unemployment has
soared. In exchange for assistance, Greece committed to various austerity
and reform measures. Due to the failure to implement the program,
assistance was cut off in the middle of last year. This led to elections
and victory for a coalition of two extreme parties in Greece's political
spectrum, led by the leftist Syriza Party. It campaigned on a pledge to
resist austerity but stay within the monetary union. It is struggling to
achieve both pledges.
2. Why did the Greek government call for
a referendum for July 5?
The Syriza-led coalition received about 40% of
the popular vote the late -January election. To form a stable government,
the party with the most votes gets an extra 50 seats in parliament.
However, Prime Minister Tsipras argues that he did not have a sufficiently
strong mandate to make such a momentous decision as rejecting the last offer of
the official creditors (EU, ECB, and IMF). The reality is much more
complicated. On one hand, Tsipras had rejected the government's call for
a referendum on the first of two aid packages in 2011. That referendum
was canceled, and that government collapsed. On the other hand, Tsipras
is likely using the referendum as an instrument in the negotiating
3. What does the referendum entail, and
will it lead to a Greek exit from the monetary union?
The precise wording of the referendum is still
being hammered out. A yes vote will be to accept the official creditors
terms. Although the second assistance program expires today, a yes vote
would likely trigger the fall of the Syriza government. A cross party
government would likely be formed ahead of a new set of elections. It
would resume negotiations with the official creditors.
A no vote would be to resist the creditors demands. There is some fear
that this would lead to a Greek exit from monetary union but it need not.
It is important that the German finance minister, who has been a vocal critic
of the Syriza government has said the same thing. Prior to the past week,
we had subjectively attributed a 20-25% chance of a Grexit, but recognize the
risks have increased. We would now estimate the odds at 40%. The
rating agency S&P put the odds at 50% yesterday. Throughout the
crisis, we have argued that market participants are under-estimating the
political forces, like geo-strategic considerations, that are pulling Europe
together even if economic issues are pushing it apart.
4. Why did Greece institute capital
controls and declare a bank holiday? How long will it last?
Due to the fractious negotiations the ECB has
refused to accept Greek government bonds or Greek government guaranteed bonds
as collateral for Greek banks loans since February. Instead Greek banks
have been allowed to borrow from the Greek central bank, with the ECB's
approval. Under this facility (ELA or Emergency Liquidity
Assistance) there is a more lenient view of collateral though it comes at a
higher interest rate. The ECB has gradually increased the amount of ELA
borrowing it permits, until this past weekend. The call for the
referendum meant that the current aid program would end, and this was the
condition on which the ECB was granting an increase in ELA. The ELA was
primarily a way to offset the flight of deposits out of the Greek banking
With deposit flight accelerating as Greeks
anticipated capital controls, with knowledge that in Cyprus depositors were bailed
in (took losses when the banks were recapitalized), and no increase in ELA, the
Greek government had little choice but to implement capital controls. The
capital controls put severe limits on withdrawals from the banks and
ATMs. In order to make it effective, the government declared a bank
holiday and shut the stock market. The bank holiday and closure of the
stock market are expected to continue to early next week.
Although there is some hope that they will re-open on July 6, following the
referendum, it is not a sure thing.
5. If Greece misses the IMF
payment, why isn't this a credit event, triggering credit-default swaps?
The rating agencies have indicated that a default
is when a debt payment to the private sector is missed. Missing an IMF payment
does not qualify. Under the IMF's procedures, a missed payment is
regarded as falling into arrears. If European officials wanted, they
could exercise a clause in its loans to Greece that could force expedited
repayments. We do not expect this discretion to be
exercised. The next private debt obligation is a JPY20 bln
Samurai bond (~140 mln euros) that matures in the middle of July. It has
a chunky payment (~3bln+ euros) to the ECB a week later.
6. Will what happens in Greece cause
much contagion in the capital markets?
The ECB has various tools at its disposal to
minimize the knock-on effect emanating from Greece. The European Court of
Justice recently recognized the Outright Market Transactions (OMT) facility
under which the ECB could support sovereign bonds of a member that sought
official assistance. The ECB is already engaged in quantitative easing
(QE) under which it is buying sovereign bonds. Due to the earlier crises,
there are backstops in place, such as the European Stabilization Mechanism
(ESM), that can also be drawn upon if necessary.
Our concern about contagion is not about the
short-term, but the medium and longer-term if Greece is pushed out of monetary
union. Monetary union would no longer be irreversible. A banking or
credit crisis in the future may quickly turn into an existential crisis as
investors would now have to consider the risk that another country leaves the
7. What are the implications for the
In the medium and longer-term, we expect that the
divergence between the trajectory of Federal Reserve and ECB policy to push the
euro lower. The Federal Reserve is expected to raise rates before the end
of the year (the market has this almost fully discounted, looking at the
pricing of the Fed funds futures). The ECB's bond buying program
(QE) is expected to continue through September 2016. After a
sharp downtrend in H2 14 through most of Q1 15, the euro has been in a broad
trading range between about $1.08 and $1.15.
In the short-term, risk of a broader disruption
in EMU, appears to have spurred demand for euros as a precaution to secure
funding. In essence, many businesses and investors have borrowed
euros. A sharp crisis would risk the ability to service the
euro-denominated obligations. The purchases of euro denominated assets by
sterling, yen or dollar based investors has frequently been financed by euro
funding (borrowings).
There have been a few days over the last few
months where Greek developments had a material impact on the direction of the
euro, but this seemed to be short-lived. The euro recorded a 12-year low
in mid-March near $1.0460. The recent high was recorded two months later
near $1.1470. The 100-day moving average comes in near $1.1050.
FAQ: 7 Questions and Answers about Greece and the Referendum
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
June 30, 2015