The capitulation of Greek Prime Minister Tsipras to the demands of the
official creditors has split the Syriza coalition. About a quarter of
the party refused to make the apparent U-turn with the Prime Minister.
Those that were part of the cabinet have been replaced. However, they
retain their seats in parliament, and apparently obstructing the government's
At meeting with Syriza's central committee today, Tsipras was obviously
frustrated. The rebellion by the faction that we have likened
to the fundis in the German Green Party, more principled than pragmatic, is yet
another stumbling block in negotiations with the official creditors.
Tsipras had wanted to wait until after the negotiations for a third aid
package were complete but effectively leading a minority government undermines
Tsipras' negotiating authority. He had initially offered a party
congress in September. However, this did not seem to appease his critics
within Syriza, and he has proposed a vote within the party; a referendum, if
you will, on the 86 bln euro assistance program being negotiated.
If Tsipras losses the vote, snap election would seem inevitable. That
said, Italy has changed prime ministers three times without a national
An estimated 40% of the Syriza's central committee (roughly 80 of 200
members) does not support Tsipras' concessions to the creditors.
A significant number think that Greece should exit EMU and bring back the
drachma. Tsipras argues, as we have, that as bad as the EMU might
be, it would be worse outside of it. A deeper recession, higher unemployment,
destruction of the banking system, and a larger drop in living standards would
be the likely result. It does not have the export capacity or economic
structure to reap the benefits that are often thought to come from a weaker
Syriza's central committee is expected to make a decision later today
whether to accept the fait accompli that Tsipras and his realos allies have
given the fundis. Ironically if Tsipras' course is rejected, and
national elections are held, Tsipras may return. He is currently the most
popular politician in Greece and more popular it seems that the Syriza Party
itself. In addition, the two main tradition parties are in transition
themselves. The Socialists (PASOK) have just elected a new leader, and
the center-right New Democracy is in the middle of a leadership contest.
Solidifying his flanks and bringing the fundis to heel become even more
important today. Press reports indicate that the IMF's staff has told
the board that Greece's high debt levels and weak track record of implementing
reforms disqualifies it from future assistance. This should be understood
as a recommendation and not the declaration of policy. That is a
prerogative of the shareholders.
While the reports appeared to weigh on the euro and lifted German bunds
and the Swiss franc, it merely confirmed what had already been hinted.
Last week the IMF formally announced the end of the current program that was to
run through Q1 16. Greece's request from another program was what the staff
report was addressing.
Reports indicate that the several non-European board members, including
Brazil, Canada, and Asia, argued that the IMF's reputation and credibility are
at risk. They, along with the staff, see Greece falling short of two
requirements needed for another package. First, it does not have
the" institutional and political capacity" to implement the economic
reforms. This is a concrete way in which Tsipras' distaste for the
program and the splintering of the Sryiza coalition is impacting.
Second, Greece's public debt burden is not sustainable in the medium
term. The IMF has been clear that it could not and would not
participate in a third assistance program unless there was substantial debt
relief. Germany and other creditors refuse to consider debt relief until
there is evidence that Greece is implementing the reforms it promised.
This was expected to take place in Q4, but an election could delay this
further. One idea is that the IMF would re-engage after the debt relief
has been granted.
The great Yankee philosopher Yogi Berra once advised if one reaches a
fork in the road one should take it. Tsipras thought there was a fork
in the road, that there was an alternative to the creditors' demands.
However, he realized that the only alternatives were even worse. Along
with former Finance Minister Varoufakis, he resisted recognizing the legitimacy
of the Troika. That fork also turned out to be ephemeral. Instead
of the Troika, Greece is going to be negotiating with a "quadriga" of
the IMF (whether it participates or not in aid), the ECB, the EC, and for the
first time, the ESM.
If Syriza holds a referendum Sunday and Tsipras loses it, or even if he
barely wins, the risk of a new election will likely weigh on the euro when the
markets re-open after the weekend. It would further increase
the likelihood that another bridge loan will be needed so Greece can pay the
ECB (and to a much lesser extent other creditors, including the IMF) in
The Greek central bank did not request more ELA access this week as the
deposits had stabilized. A loss for Tsipras would likely renew
uncertainty and anxiety and spur another wave of deposit flight.
Although Greece has been given the authority to re-open the stock market, which
has been closed for a month, but ring-fencing it to let equity trading take
place within the existing capital controls is providing to be quite
As it turns out, a party referendum may be more significant for the
future of Greece than the national referendum earlier this month.
Could the Greek Government Collapse this Weekend?
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
July 30, 2015