The EU is warning that Austria, Italy, and Lithuania are at risk of not
achieving their 2016 budget goals. It also warned Spain
that is too may miss its target. Nevertheless, the EU said there were no
serious violations.
At the same time, the EU will exempt proven refugee spending from the
budget scorecard. In light of the attack on Paris, the EU's fiscal
discipline faces a new challenge. French President Hollande is arguing
that the security pact trumps the stability pact. France is at war, and
the Lisbon Treaty requires its EU allies are obligated to help.
France had already had received special dispensation of its fiscal
excesses. Under the agreement, France was supposed to achieve a 3.4%
budget deficit in 2016 and 3.3% in 2017. However, these fiscal targets
have been effectively jettisoned. The increased security spending may see
the deficit move in the opposite direction. The French deficit this year
was expected to be near 3.9% of GDP, assuming GDP itself expands by
1.1%. France may not reach the 3% threshold this decade.
Structural deficits, which are essentially the fiscal shortfall if
the economy was expanding at a trend pace, are supposed to be capped at 0.5% of
GDP. The vast majority of eurozone members have structural deficits
more than twice the prescribed amount. No fines have been levied or
assistance denied.
The take away is that fiscal policy in Europe will likely be easier than
thought a week ago. Some critics of the EU argue that it is insisting
on fiscal masochism, the fact of the matter is that the EU has been fairly
lenient and more so than is often recognized. Seven eurozone members are
operating under the excessive deficit procedures (Cyprus, Portugal, Slovenia,
France, Ireland, Greece and Spain), but they are not being forced into brutal
tightening. Nor are the fourteen countries with debts in excess of 60%
being required to reduce the excess by 5% a year as has been agreed.
The euro area's slow growth, double digit unemployment, and no inflation
threat do not cry out for fiscal austerity. And the EU is hardly
enforcing the Stability and Growth Pact and the supplemental agreements (dubbed
the two-pack and the six-pack). The EU is not being remiss.
From the crisis, the EU has required countries to sacrifice some sovereignty on
fiscal issues.
The EU gets to review preliminary budget
drafts. It has pushed back on occasion, and it has also granted
forbearance. Portugal, which is still in the middle of its own political crisis,
has not submitted a budget. Spain is coming under very mild
pressure, as Prime Minister Rajoy goes to the polls next month.
Traditionally, the best policy for a currency is tight monetary and loose
fiscal policy. This was the Reagan-Volcker policy mix and in Germany
after the Berlin Wall fell. The opposite is also true. The worst
policy mix for a currency is loose monetary and tight fiscal policy. The
eurozone is flirting with this combination, even if the region's fiscal
straitjacket is not being enforced rigorously. This is part the case
for a weaker euro in the quarters ahead.
Security, Refugees and European Fiscal Policy
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
November 17, 2015