The second round of French regional elections will be held this weekend. The first round
last weekend saw the National Front do best in
terms of popular votes and led in six of the twelve
regions. The National Front is not simply anti-austerity, but it is anti-EMU.
In regions that NF garnered more than 40% of the vote, the Socialists
have withdrawn their candidate and urged
their supporters to vote for the center-right candidate to boost the chances of
defeating NF. Sarkozy, who heads up the newly-named center-right
Republicans, refuses to make a similar concession. Nevertheless, when the
votes are tallied, the NF is expected to
win one, and possibly two regions.
This is not to downplay the
regional elections. Rather the importance is that it offers a
foretaste of things to come. The French presidential election is less than a year and a half away. Although France has a parliamentary
system, it is highly centralized, and the President is the key national
leader. Hollande's public support has risen since the 31 October
attack, but the Socialists polled in third place national count last
The macro issues play into the NF's hands. The terrorist
attack, the refugee challenge, high unemployment (no improvement under the
Socialists as the unemployment rate reached an 18-year high in October of
10.6%). Some observers see the NF as blurring the "right"
"left" distinction. It is defending the extensive French
welfare state (that accounts for 57% of GDP)
while at the same time being nationalistic
in the extreme. It sees EMU as a
two-fold attack on its sovereignty. The first emanates from Brussels
(that is portrayed as doing Germany
bidding) and the second comes from it claims is the neoliberalism and the
"dictatorship of the
What the right/left mix hypothesis misses is that the mix is not
new. It had a name. National Socialism. When the Great
Financial Crisis hit, market participants feared left-wing socialism as
numerous governments took ownership stakes in banks. There was a large
expansion of the role of government (and central banks). However, at the
time we warned of the greater risk of right-wing socialism, National Socialism
or Fascism.
It was the Fascists that first offered the "third way" between
Bolshevism and Liberalism (capitalism). None less than Hitler himself saw
the linkages between socialism and
Fascism. He observed in 1942 that, “There is not much difference
between the basic economic techniques of socialism and
However, when we first
wrote about this a month after Lehman collapsed, some pushed back and noted
that an essential part of Fascism was missing--some unifying hatred or racism.
The refugee challenge coupled with the terrorist strike has exacerbated the
xenophobia and Islamophobia that was bubbling near the surface in any
The refugee challenge alone prompted several countries (e.g., Germany, Sweden, Austria and Hungary) to
suspend the free passage (passport-free
travel). However, in light of the terrorist attack on France, a more
dramatic solution has been proposed. The EU interior ministers met last
week and were recommending a wider
suspension of the Schengen Agreement that created a passport-free travel zone well before EMU was contemplated (Maastricht).
One of the prices of greater security is less liberty. The
interior ministers also proposed the establishment of a passenger name record
for planes, trains and ships. It would be not only for travel in and out
of the region but also intra-EU travel. This
appears to have been agreed upon
back in 2008, but due to concern about privacy issues, it has not gone
forward. Now it likely will.
Some observers think that without free mobility, the European project is
over. Of course, many of those that are sympathetic to this argument
seem to be euro-skeptics in the first place. Moreover, there are
contingencies within the Schengen Agreement for precisely this. Just like in
many sports, violation of the rules is incorporated into the rules themselves, so too with many official
Article 26 of the Schengen Agreement allows member states to introduce
extra checks if there are "persistent serious deficiencies" on the
external borders. This condition appears to have been met. What is still apparently being negotiated is the extent of the
suspension of Schengen. Some reports suggest it could be for as long as
two years.
The suspension of the Schengen Agreement will likely be formally decided
by the head of state summit at the end of
next week. It suspension will not mark the end of the EU or
EMU. Of course, it is not ideal,
but it speaks to the flexibility of the institutional arrangements. It is
also a useful reminder to mistrust the essentialist arguments. Observers
claim this or that feature is the essence of the EU or EMU and without it, they
will cease to exist. Remember the cries that the introduction of capital
controls in Cyprus and now Greece were tantamount to the end of EMU.
Clearly, this assessment was flawed. Both are still in EMU.
The most potent threat to the viability of the EU and EMU comes not from
an agreement to re-introduce some border checks and to share more information. Instead, the bigger threat
comes from the political backlash against the elites. Xenophobia and
Islamophobia are in part, the cry of some people seeing their living standards fall, and the prospects for their children
diminish. The painfully slow growth, high unemployment for adults
and even higher for young people fan intolerance. Populist demagogues
foment such attitudes.
What seems to scare investors is not the suspension of Schengen.
It is an NF victory for the French
presidency which alone could tear Europe asunder. And when placed in a
larger context, the changes in Europe over the next few years are particularly
concerning. The changes could include the UK leaving the EU, a post-Merkel
Germany, and perhaps Weidmann succeeding
Draghi at the helm of the ECB.
Our bearish outlook for the euro is not
predicated on this dystopia scenario. Instead, out the expectation that before the Obama dollar rally
is over, the euro will test its historic lows is based on the prolonged divergence of monetary policy and the
magnitude of that divergence well into 2017. We recognized the conflicting capital flows and did not expect parity
to be seen this year. We do expect
to see it next year and anticipate the
cyclical low in 2017 or 2018. We see the political
considerations discussed here as additional weights on the single currency's
France, Schengen and the Future of Europe
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
December 09, 2015