The G20 finance ministers and central bankers will meet in
Shanghai starting tomorrow. From some quarters, there is a sense of urgency. The IMF, for example,
is likely to cut its world GDP forecast of 3.4% this year.
That forecast
is not even two months old. The tightening of global financial
conditions, exemplified by the sharp drop in share prices over the last six
weeks is heightening anxiety among policymakers
and investors alike.
The IMF has
called for a strong national and international policy response. It is
unlikely to be forthcoming. Moreover, despite China's aggressive
calls for changes in the world's financial architecture, its leadership
at the G20 meeting is unlikely to unveil new initiatives. Instead, the
most that can reasonably be expected is
a recommitment to existing agreements.
There are two such existing agreements that will likely be
reiterated. The first is about fiscal policy.
Those countries that have scope for fiscal
measures are encouraged to use them. This
speaks to countries with current account surpluses, where by definition
savings exceeds demand (consumption and investment).
The US Treasury
and Federal Reserve officials have not been critical of the use of monetary
policy to stimulate domestic demand. After all the US used monetary
policy early and aggressively. However, the US criticism comes from the
over-reliance on monetary policy. It argues it ought to be complemented and reinforced by fiscal and structural
Realistically, fiscal support is most likely to come from two
large economies, Japan, and China. The last year of two-term US
president is not a conducive backdrop for fiscal
support. Moreover, the US does not have a current account surplus, and its economy is if anything growing a little above trend.
Since 2010, the US economy grown a little more than 2.0% (year-over-year).
In 2014 and 2015, the economy expanded by 2.4%.
economists, such as Summers and Krugman, have advocated a strong public
investment program; they lack a
significant constituency. Among the leading presidential
candidates, only Sanders is sympathetic, and his candidacy will be severely tested with next week's Super
Tuesday of primaries. He may not carry a state outside of his own
At the end of
last year, French President Hollande argued that the security pact trumped the
stability pact. This
signaled that fiscal policy was not going to tighten as much as the EC
(and Germany) had initially advocated. However, many EMU members are
under pressure to reduce deficits and debt. There is little appetite for a large public investment program outside of
Juncker's plan that is just getting off the ground.
In Germany,
Merkel has spent much of her political capital on the refugee challenge that
even if she wanted to, which she doesn't appear to, she could not successfully
advocate a new deficit spending program. Despite negative interest rates
through most of the curve and the balanced budget projected, the main obstacle is ideological not material.
Japan and China
are the two most likely candidates for increased fiscal action. It is clear that the BOJ has become
frustrated that its aggressive asset purchase program and the resulting increase in the monetary base has been
insufficient to lift core (excluding fresh food) measure of inflation.
The adoption of negative interest rates recently opens a new front in the
battle against lowflation.
Japan has been
using fiscal policy as well. Its budget deficit for the fiscal year
ending next month is about 6% of GDP. Last month, a JPY3.5 trillion
supplemental budget was approved for the current fiscal year. The budget
for the next fiscal year is still making its way through the Diet, but reports
today suggest, a extra spending package will likely be included. This is
unusual because the supplemental budget is typically a development late
in the fiscal year. There has been a
supplemental budget every year since 2011.
Part of the rub
for Japan is that the economy has not managed to find solid footing since the
retail sales tax was hiked. A follow-up
hike is scheduled for a year from now
(April 2017). The US cautioned Japan against the first sales tax
increase, but the IMF and others, including the rating agencies, advocated it.
The fiscal
costs of weaker growth (lower tax revenues and automatic stabilizers) appear to
have largely offset the gains associated with the higher sales tax. At the same time, Japan is cutting
corporate taxes, even though record profits are being
recorded, and the balance sheets are flush with cash.
China has more
scope to increase fiscal support for the world's second largest economy. This
comes despite a number of
investors and observers expressing grave concern about the country's debt. Last year, the federal government's deficit was
thought to be around 2.6% of GDP. It was projected to rise to 3% this
year, but signals from some policymakers suggest it could be as large as 4% of
GDP this year. One of the key points is that increased spending will
likely come from the central government as opposed to the SPVs and local
governments, as was the case in 2008-2009.
legislature, the National People's Congress meets at the end of next week. It is likely to confirm that fiscal policy will be
used modestly to compliment monetary efforts to facilitate the ongoing
transition. US Treasury Secretary Lew called on China to state unequivocally
that it is not seeking a major devaluation of the yuan and Chinese officials
have responded accordingly.
We have argued
that Chinese capital outflows have been
exaggerated. First, when discussing the decline
in Chinese reserves, few consistently take into account valuation shifts.
Second, some part of the capital outflows are simply moving to another part of China, from
which they originated, namely Hong Kong. This
should not count as capital exports any more than Shanghai selling goods
to HK should impact trade balances. Third, the IIF has argued that the
capital outflows from China last year were predominantly Chinese companies
paying down their dollar debt. This is a wholly desired capital outflow.
This is not to
say that there have been capital outflow from China, just that is has been grossly exaggerated. Chinese officials are responding but
making it easier for foreign capital to come into China. Just yesterday,
reports suggest that China may be about to give up part of its QFII quota
program. Reports suggest that most types of foreign financial
institutions may be granted unlimited access to the interbank debt market, for
The second G20
position that is likely to be reiterated,
despite China's formal objections to the international financial order, is on
currencies. The G20 position is clear. Foreign exchange rates are best set by the market. Countries
ought not manipulate exchange rates for competitive gain. Also, and what is
often forgotten is that the G20 like the G7 recognize that excessive
volatility is counter-productive.
It is this
second point that allows for occasional intervention. When markets are disorderly, a case can be made for intervention. It should be
rare and transparent. The US Treasury has been critical of intervention
from countries such as South Korea and Taiwan for the frequency and lack of
there is not basis whatsoever for a Plaza-like agreement. In 1985, the initial Plaza Agreement
helped seal the end to a dollar rally, which on trade-weighted basis was three-times
larger than the current dollar rally. The weakness of the European
currencies and yen spurred inflation. Not only are the economic
conditions fundamentally different now, and the dollar's rally pales in
comparison, but the mindset is different.
Remember the
2008-2009 global financial crisis did not spur coordinated intervention in the
foreign exchange market. Recall, officials understood the
problem as securing (dollar) funding not the altering the price of the dollar.
Outside of a few economists and some reporters, there has been no meaningful call for a new Plaza Agreement by
G20 officials.
G20 Meeting is no Jedi Council
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
February 25, 2016