For various reasons, well beyond the scope of this short note, China has
amassed huge industrial capacity, well beyond its ability to absorb.
In part, that is one of the challenges that the "One Belt One Road"
addresses. Export the spare capacity by building infrastructure, networking
east and central Asia (included parts of the
former Soviet Union and the Middle East.
Even that long-term project does not appear sufficient to absorb the
existing surplus capacity. Many US
and European officials in the public and private sectors fear that to maintain employment and domestic social stability
China will seek to export their surplus.
The steel sector is likely the leading edge in this confrontation.
The steel industries in Europe and the US are well organized, with years of
experience lobbying and seeking government readdress, and experience their own challenges.
US Steel Corp persuaded the US International Trade Commission to proceed
with an investigation into charges that Chinese steel companies have colluded
to fix prices, stolen trade secrets and evaded duties by mislabeling
exports. The issue will
now be heard by an administrative judge. The process may take more
than a year to complete. And even then, the US Trade Representative can
over-rule the decision. Two years ago, the US Justice Department indicted
five PRC military officers for allegedly stealing technology via
cyber-espionage from US steel companies.
Domestic consumers of steel testified against the US Steel complaint.
They argued that US producers do not want to or cannot make the steel products
they need. Some consumers also argued that the quality of domestic output
lagged behind the imports.
Some 13,500 US steelworkers have lost their jobs, and imports are an
easily named culprit. Steel imports from China account for less than
5% of the total finished steel imports. Broadly speaking, a recent study
found that technology accounts for more than 80% of the jobs lost in the
manufacturing sector.
Still, the growing complaints of US producers
and the threat of retaliation appear to have had a cooling effect.
Steel imports from China fell 70% in the first four months of the year while overall US steel imports have fallen
by a third.
To be sure, the US-China issue is only one element of this multifaceted
issue. Yesterday, the US Department of Commerce's ITC announced
anti-dumping duties on producers (cold rolled steel) from India, Korea, Taiwan,
Italy, as well as China. For example, the dumping margin on Hyundai Steel was set at 47.8%, and 8.75% for Dongkuk
Steel Mill, and 31.7% on all other Korean producers. The dumping duty on
Italy's Marcegaglia was set at 92.1%, while all others from Italy, the duty was
set at 12.6%.
The ITC will make its final decision by July 8. There is some
political pressure to widen the "trade-enforcement" to include other
varieties of steel, including corrosion resistant, hot-rolled, and stainless
steel. It is also interesting that foreign producers, with a US presence,
like ArcelorMittal also participated with US Steel in filing the
Although some officials and journalists may spin a narrative that
emphasizes the Sino-American confrontation, this would seem to be an
exaggeration. For sure it is one dimension
but does not do the complicated issue
justice. The US has found Japanese producers guilty of dumping
cold-rolled steel too. Other countries being
investigated are American allies on other issues.
US Steel (X) stock closed 3.3% higher yesterday. Coming into today's session, it is up 10.4% on the
week. It finished last year near $8 a share and closed yesterday
at $14.75. It is recovering from a slide earlier this month that brought
it from $20.30 on May 2 to a low near $12.75 last week. The
stock gapped higher yesterday but closed near its lows, leaving a small gap unfilled. With ITC showing
favor, the US steel sector may have a modest reprieve, just in time for
corporate treasurers to get concerned about a rising dollar.
For earlier post on the steel industry see Stealing Steel.
First Skirmishes in Long Battle
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
May 27, 2016