The Wall Street Journal is reporting that minutes of a meeting in China
two months ago reveal that officials there have abandoned their commitment to
give market forces greater sway in setting the yuan's exchange rate.
Reportedly, in response to economists and banks request that officials
stop resisting market pressure, one PBOC official explained that "the
primary task is to maintain stability." The WSJ cites the
minutes of the meeting and interviews with Chinese officials and advisers to
conclude that the central bank "had ditched the market-based
mechanism," though has not formally announced the change.
The revelation here is not what it seems. It is not clear that
the PBOC operationalized its declaratory policy in the first place. It is
true that the yuan fell last August, but it was simply a two-day 3.8% move.
The element of surprise and the uncertainty of policymakers' intent spurred the
At the time, and in hindsight, it appears that Chinese officials were
trying to decouple the yuan a bit from the dollar to prepare for the FOMC rate
hike which many thought was going take
place in September 2015. The yuan weakened again starting in early
November, as if to prepare for a December Fed move, which was ultimately delivered. The dollar advanced about 4.5% against the yuan from early-November
through early-January.
By way of comparison, the euro fell nearly 8.5% against the dollar from
mid-October through early-December (when the ECB's actions did not match the
urgency that Draghi had expressed). That the dollar appreciated
against the yuan as it moved higher against most other currencies gave
the impression that market forces were at work, but might not have been in
The WSJ claims that the exchange rate is "now back under tight
government control." We suspect this is not new and has been the
case except for a couple of times when officials tolerated market forces that were
pushing the yuan in the direction that officials wanted.
The dollar peaked on January 8 near CNY6.5960. As the dollar
traded heavily against most currencies in the first several months of the year,
the dollar also eased against the yuan. It bottomed on March 31 near
CNY6.4530. However, it traded broadly sideways until the end of
April. On April 29, the dollar was still near CNY6.46. The dollar
reversed higher against many major currencies, including the euro and yen on
May 3.
This month, the dollar has risen against all the major currencies.
The euro has fallen 2.5%, and the yen is
off nearly 3%. The dollar has risen against all the emerging market currencies
save the Argentine peso (+1.9%). The yuan has fallen 1.2%.
Our understanding of the intent of Chinese officials before the publication of the WSJ report placed
an emphasis on their pragmatism. When the dollar was soft, we saw
officials allowing the yuan to track it. This
seemed to reflect a basic mistrust for US policy and fear that the US
would seek some advantage by devaluing the dollar.
On the other hand, when the dollar was firm, the yuan appears to track
the basket. Tracking the basket would minimize accusations by the US
that China was seeking a competitive devaluation. The Wall
Street Journal's account comes close to lending support to our
understanding: "...People close to
the PBOC said the bank guides the daily direction of the currency by
alternating between setting the yuan's value against the dollar and a basket of
Our macro view puts a premium on the divergence of monetary policy
between the US and most other countries. We expect this force to
allow the dollar to trend higher after largely consolidating and correcting past gains in recent months. The recovery of the US economy from the six-month
soft patch is creating the conditions that will allow the Federal Reserve to
continue its efforts to gradually normalize
monetary policy.
It is a silly caricature to say the Fed wants to raise rates so it
can cut them. The point is that decision-makers like options. Currently, the Fed does not have access to
conventional monetary policy tools. Gradually normalizing monetary policy will
give the Fed its traditional toolkit again.
China's economy may require more support. Too tight of a link
between the yuan and the dollar prevents it from having more latitude to pursue
its own monetary policy. At the
same time, a rapid depreciation would risk a political backlash from the US and
Europe, which are fearful that China will address its surplus capacity by
dumping goods into foreign markets. This
is the sub-text to the investigations into the pricing of Chinese steel
in the US and Europe.
A sharp devaluation of the yuan would also exacerbate the currency
mismatch of Chinese corporations which borrowed dollars. According to
back-of-the-envelope calculations, every one percent decline in the yuan costs Chinese corporations about $8
If we are right that divergence will underpin the dollar on a trend
basis, then the yuan is likely to weaken further. Now that the dollar
is above CNY6.55, the next important level is near CNY6.60. We look for
the dollar to rise toward CNY6.80 in the medium term. The ability of
Chinese officials to manage this process is the key to its disruptive potential
and contagion on other
At the same time, we suspect that part of what appeared to be the
internationalization of the yuan was a function of when it was in an appreciating trend. When the
yuan is rising, in nearly a one-way bet, it is easy to see why many wanted to
hold yuan deposits. Now the desire to hold yuan has slackened. This can be seen
in the Dim Sum market which has cooled dramatically over the past
year. Talk of the yuan replacing the dollar has also quieted
The Yuan and Market Forces: Declaratory and Operational Policy
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
May 24, 2016