It is not just that the polls indicate that the outcome of the UK
referendum is too close to call, but the mere fact that the referendum is being held in the first place is significant.
It was not Labour, but the Conservative Party that brought the UK into the EU in the first
place (and in the 1975 referendum Thatcher was campaigning for Bremain) and into the ERM. Now the issue
is tearing the party apart.
Regardless of the outcome of tomorrow's referendum, the Tories are
seriously wounded. Perhaps its saving grace is that its main
opposition, Labour, is itself in a troubled situation as its leader is further
left than the party's base and large donors.
In the UK, the elites are divided, but the European project itself is generally perceived as an elite effort, and one in which many people
have become increasing skeptical. A recent Pew Research survey found
that economic management and immigration policy were particularly divisive
This first cut of the democratic deficit emphasizes immediate issues,
like the high rates of unemployment, the consequences of the fall of
various Middle East regimes, and the civil war in Syria. While
serious, it is a rather benign view.
A second cut of the democratic deficit emphasizes institutional
issues. The EC itself is not elected. The European Parliament
has limited power and influence. The European Parliament, which is elected, had little role in the large-scale aid programs for Greece, Ireland,
Portugal or Cyprus.
There is a third cut but is rarely discussed. It is about
attitudes. EC President Juncker has often expressed
anti-democratic sentiment. Consider a comment from last month. He
complained that elected leaders spend too much time kowtowing to public opinion
rather than working on "historic" projects, like the
euro. Junker cautioned prime ministers to stop listening to their voters
and act as "full-time Europeans."
In part, this could be a difference in the understanding of
representative government. One theory is that an elected
representative should do what the constituents want. Another theory is
that the representative is a leader and should do what they think is in the
best interests of their constituents. However, underlying Juncker's remarks is also a distrust for the "passions of
the masses." Surely technocrats and experts are better positioned to grasp
the complexities of the various issues of the day.
To be sure it is not just encroachment by officials, but there is also an
abdication by many people. Martin Wolf of the Financial Times
suggested that many people are not sufficiently informed to make an educated
decision about the intricacies of international trade policy and the
cost/benefit of EU membership.
Earlier this month, English ethologist and evolutionary biologist
Richard Dawkins penned an essay "Ignoramuses should not have to say on our EU membership--and that
includes me" (here).
He argues,"I, and most other people, don't have the time or experience to
do our due diligence on the highly complex economic and social issues facing
our country in, or out of Europe." Dawkins
suggests "foxhunting" may be "justifiable plebiscite
fodder" but he asks, "Why would you entrust your country's economic
and political future to know-nothing voters like me?"
Must modernity and the complexity that that entails shrink the realm of
choice and of people shaping the community in which they live? In
1941, the psychoanalyst Eric Fromm sought to explain the rise of fascism as a
result of people trying to escape from their freedom (here).
The American answer has traditionally been a system of checks and
balances. Important changes require more than a simple majority for example, unlike the UK
referendum. In the Federalist Paper 10, James Madison argued a large and
diverse republic would prevent a permanent majority from arising and dictating
the terms to a permanent minority.
Regardless of the outcome of the UK
referendum, addressing the democratic deficit in Europe is pressing.
The European project is made more vulnerable by the lack of deep democratic
roots. Information and access to it have
increased. Issues are complex. Experts are available in various
disciplines. Yet much rests not on
objective facts that experts and technocrats can monitor, but on judgments
which reflect values.
Self-determination, or the shaping the
of the community in which one lives, seems to be as close to a universal aspiration as
imaginable. This is the real
meaning of freedom. It has never required a certain education achievement
or body of knowledge. To ignore or deny the democratic deficit is to
continue to build castles in the sky, and no matter how desirable that castle
may be, it is prone to collapse.
More Thoughts on the Democratic Deficit
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
June 22, 2016