The results of the US election did not
unleash new forces in the capital markets as much as accelerate those
forces that we had already identified as being operative. The cyclical low in interest rates has likely already been registered. There also seems to be a somewhat greater willingness in several countries to move toward looser fiscal policy. The divergence between the US monetary policy on the one hand, and the EU and Japan on the
other, is poised to widen further.
It is not
unusual that, despite the fiercely fought partisanship, the US political cycle
does not exactly coincide with the economic cycle. For example, the deregulation and military build-up
that is associated with Reagan began
under Carter. Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Carter began
boosting military spending, and the deregulation of the airlines began on his
watch. Although we dub the dollar's bull market of that era as the
"Reagan dollar rally," it began
before he was elected. Volcker had already begun hiking interest rates, and the dollar had bottomed.
The recognition
of the limits of monetary policy had become several
commonplace quarters ago. A new Canadian government provided modest fiscal stimulus. Hammond,
the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, is
expected to also offer some stimulus in his Autumn Statement later this month.
At the same
time, Fed officials have been signaling
their growing comfort to raise rates again. Nine of the 12 regional Presidents
called for a discount rate increase. Economists argue that
headline inflation converges to core inflation, and core inflation regresses to
labor costs. Hourly earnings rose 2.8% in the year through October, the most in seven years. More broadly, deflationary pressures outside of
Japan have eased in recent months.
There is much
uncertainty about the policies of a Trump
Administration. Within days of the election, Trump
seemed to back away from completely scrapping the Affordable Care Act
(Obamacare), firing Fed Chair Yellen, getting rid of the entire Dodd-Frank
omnibus financial regulation bill, and pursuing legal charges against Clinton.
However, there
has been no sign of wavering about the
commitment to a strong fiscal stimulus package. An economic adviser to Trump penned an op-ed piece in
the Financial
Times before the weekend that sketched out the $1 trillion stimuli in the form of tax cuts and
infrastructure spending. With a roughly $18 trillion economy, the stimulus is
significant at 5.5% of GDP. In terms of
GDP, that is, incidentally, the same size as the February 2009 stimulus package
tax cut and spending package).
The stimulus
would reach a US economy that is already growing near trend. Trend growth is the sustainable pace
consistent with stable prices. The Federal Reserve has surely but slowly
cut its assessment of this pace to 1.8%. An unscientific sampling of
private sector economists puts at
1.5%-2.0%. Stimulus on top of trend growth is understood to be
inflationary. This implies a
somewhat stronger monetary response and
the derivatives market appears has begun the discounting process. For
example, the implied yield of the
December 2017 Eurodollar futures contract rose nearly 25 bp since before the
While some may
think a rising interest rate environment is not good for equity valuations, it
is important to recognize the transformation by which corporations as a whole
are net providers of capital rather than net takers. There are also some important offsetting
policies as well.
Among the stimulus measures are deregulation and tax cuts. Trump's
economic adviser underscored two tax cuts.
The first is
the rate levied on corporate profits. Trump would like to see it slashed
to 15%, but his adviser notes that even at UK's 20% level, $660 bln would add
to the economy. Of course, the assumption here is that businesses
currently pay the tax schedule of 35%, which is dubious.
The second is a
one-off 10% repatriation fee to entice
corporations to bring home the $2.5 trillion of foreign earnings that have been stashed overseas. Every time the government offers such a tax break, it is
presented as a one-off, but after getting the "one-off" break,
companies retain earnings offshore waiting for another "one-off"
break. Trump's adviser suggests that an overhaul of the corporate
tax structure (dramatic cut in taxes, and perhaps taxing foreign earning even
if not repatriated) could deter this behavior. The sequence of the
changes then will be important.
In terms of the
impact on investment and employment, studies have suggested that past one-off
tax breaks did not have the impact that had been
promised. In
terms of the dollar, much of the earnings retained overseas are already invested in dollar-denominated
instruments. This is standard
behavior for corporations that report in dollars. However, the
repatriation does show up in the current account, and the improvement may be seen by some investors as dollar positive.
In this case, assuming the "one-off" break takes place during
the divergence of monetary policy, it could add more fuel to the dollar's
appreciating trend.
The market is
rife with speculation over Trump's cabinet. Some announcements are expected toward the end of the week ahead.
A key takeaway is the pro-growth bias of many of Trump's economic
advisers. When the Treasury Secretary comes from Wall Street, like Regan and
Rubin, the dollar tends to appreciate. When the Treasury Secretary comes
from Corporate America, like O'Neill and Snow, the dollar often falls.
Another pattern is that under the three
Treasury Secretaries from Texas, (Connolly, Baker,
and Bentsen) the dollar has depreciated.
Many countries
want to see faster US growth, but it is not an unalloyed good. We have been swayed by BIS reports documents a large
structural short dollar position, especially among emerging markets. In a
low US interest rate environment, and a soft dollar, many emerging market sovereigns, and corporates borrowed dollars and
swapped for their local currency.
The dramatic
rise in US yields and a stronger dollar squeeze emerging market credits. As capital left emerging
markets last week, several countries intervened to slow the decline in their currencies. China and India were
among them. When central banks intervene to support their currencies,
the dollar is often sold. Sometimes US Treasuries are liquidated to free
up the dollars. This can be seen
almost in real time, with the Federal Reserve's weekly report on its custody
account for foreign central banks.
The Treasuries
held with the Fed have been falling since the middle of last year. The trend accelerated before the election
and likely continued. In fact, the pace has more than doubled.
Consider from the start of July 2015 through May 2016, the Fed's holdings
of US Treasuries for foreign central banks fell by $131 bln. In the last
five months, through November 9, they fell another $125 bln. The foreign
official owned-Treasuries at the Federal Reserve stand at their lowest level in
four years.
election shifts the focus away from the high frequency data, though there is a
full slate in the week ahead. After the US employment data, the
next tier of data that reveal the strength of the economy, retail sales,
industrial output, and consumer prices, are all reported next week.
Headline retail sales are expected to be lifted by autos and higher gasoline
prices and match September's 0.6% increase. However, the more important
measure that strips these away, alongside a few other items, like building materials is expected to rebound to 0.4% from
0.1% in September. Core CPI is expected to be steady at 2.2%.
Industrial production and manufacturing production are expected to edge
higher. Of note, Yellen testifies before the Joint Economic Committee of
Congress on November 17. Her remarks are unlikely to deviate from the substance of the recent FOMC statement.
The focus in
the eurozone is not so much on the Q3 GDP
print (0.3% on the quarter and 1.6% year-over-year, same as Q2) or the
final CPI (0.5% headline and 0.8% core). Politics instead will command attention.
The first primary for the Republican Party of France is important because
the winner will most likely take on the anti-EMU National Front's Le Pen in the
final round of the presidential contest next spring.
Next is the
Italian constitutional referendum in early December (the same day as the
Austrian Presidential do-over election). Even before the US election, Renzi
looked to be fighting an increasingly uphill battle, and now many are more
confident that it will be defeated. Although it seems unreasonable to
expect Renzi to resign (which he had previously indicated), but he will likely
be weaker, and the early political reform
measures will need to be adjusted. Last week, the sharp rise in Italian
yields, with the 10-year yield moving above 2.0% for the first time in nearly
18 months, did not derail the continued recovery in Italian bank shares. This may become more of an issue going forward.
One of the only
economic impacts from the UK referendum has been the decline in sterling and
the rise consumer prices. Headline inflation is expected to rise above 1% in October when the data is reported in the week ahead. It has not been that high
since late-2014. Average weekly earnings are expected to have risen by
2.4% (up from 2.3%) in the three-month period through September from the year
ago period, with and without bonus payments.
shoppers took the month of September off, but are believed to have returned in
October. Retail sales are expected to have increased 0.5% in October after
a flat September. The year-over-year pace of 5.3% is the envy of most
high income countries. US retail sales were 2.7% higher year-over-year
in September but likely edged higher in
October. German retail sales in September were 0.4% above a year ago levels. Japanese retail sales
were 1.9% lower than a year ago in September.
Lastly, we note
the central bank of Mexico is set to hike rates on November 17. The market expects a 50 bp hike
that would lift the overnight rate to 5.25%. The three earlier hikes this
year were also in 50 bp steps. The first hike in the cycle was delivered at the end
of last year, and was for 25 bp move.
The reason
rates will be hiked may not be so much about
targeting the currency as containing the
inflation feed through. The peso fell by 8.75% last week and
is off 12.5% over the past three months. The changing political climate in the
US is the primary driver, but the underlying macro fundamentals are not
particularly attractive. Also,
rising US interest rates, a broadly stronger dollar, pressure as a proxy hedge
vehicle for emerging market exposure generally, and falling oil prices would be
negatives in any event.
While by any
reasonable measure, the peso's losses are exaggerated,
given the volatility a 50 bp rate hike is unlikely to make much of a difference
to short-term speculators. There are other measures central
bank can take, including tweaking its intervention rules. There does not
seem to be an appetite to introduce dramatic measures, like capital controls.
Forces of Movement
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
November 13, 2016