News that China's reserves approached $3 trillion at the end of the last year
has spurred expressions of concern. Its reserves have fallen by
roughly $1 trillion since peaking mid-2014. The irony that is lost on many investors is two years ago pundits
were arguing that China had too many
reserves and now some are claiming that their reserves are
Insufficient for what? By most measures,
they are more than adequate. The reserves are sufficient to cover imports
for 18 months. The reserves are three times more than the short-term
foreign debt obligations. China's reserves are insufficient if the
current pace of drawdown
The value of China's reserves fell by $832 bln in 2015-2016. At the
current pace of reserve loss, in three and half years, China will not have any
reserves. Of course, this is not going to happen. The IMF
argues China's reserves are "adequate" provided capital controls
remain. Those capital controls not only remain, but they have been expanded.
Some observers argue that the decline in China's reserves is equivalent
to the amount of Treasuries it is
selling. This is simply not
true. China does appear to be reducing its Treasury holdings, but
nowhere near the scale that has been suggested.
According to the US Treasury data, China's holdings of US Treasuries peaked in
late 2013 near $1.32 trillion. As of the end of October, which is the
most recent data available, US Treasury estimates China's holdings of US
government debt stands at about $1.12 trillion.
The pace appears to have picked up in recent months. Of the
roughly $200 bln decline in China's Treasury holdings, $125 bln took place since the end of May 2016. The change in bond prices probably had a
limited impact over this period. Specifically, in June and July, the US 10-year yield, for example, fell 39 bp,
but then rose almost as much in the August through October period.
Swings in foreign exchange values also impact the dollar value of China's
reserves. Many observers who discuss the decline in China's
reserves tend to imply that it is purely a question of volumes. Yet changing prices cannot be ignored.
The precise currency allocation of China's reserves are not known, but
for the sake of this thought experiment, assume that in 2014, 20% of China's
reserves were in euros, or about 500 bln euros. Since then the euro has
declined by more than 20% against the dollar since 2014. If nothing else
changed, the dollar value of China's reserves would have fallen by more than
$100 bln. For the record, the value of US currency reserves is not even
$100 bln.
The way many, if not most observers talk about the capital leaving China
is that it is a form of capital flight. People are voting with their
pocketbooks against the policies of the Chinese government. While there
may be an element of that, we think that the situation is more complicated and less worrisome.
There are two legitimate outflows which many observers do not even cite, let
alone estimate: paying back foreign currency borrowing and direct
investment outflows.
Many Chinese companies borrowed dollars. The yuan was steadily
appreciating. This, combined with
regulations, encouraged those companies to swap from dollars to yuan That
inflated reserves. Once the yuan is not a one-way appreciation bet, and US
interest rates begin rising, pressure builds to repay the debt. That
seemed to account for around 2/3 of the capital outflows in 2015. The
calculations of 2016 are not complete, but the paying down foreign debt appears to have continued. Foreign directed investment outflows were averaging around
$100 bln a year.
And although of a smaller magnitude, note that there are around 330k
Chinese students in the United States. Due to various changes, most
cannot get student loans. If each takes the new maximum (the equivalent of
$50k a year out of China) that alone is about $16 bln. And some students report that
families can "borrow" from a neighbor's quota which might not be otherwise used.
This is not to deny that there are
private capital outflows from China. But the alarmist talk about the decline in reserves in
unnecessary. When the yuan was appreciating,
and capital was pouring into China, officials made it easier to export
savings. Now that it is experiencing capital outflows, it is liberalizing
Nor is this to deny that Chinese officials are in a tough position.
If they step away from the intervention to support the yuan and let it fall, it
would likely spur a speculative attack. This
would show up in the offshore yuan (CNH), which may be one of the
reasons officials engineered the short squeeze there last week. A
sharp decline in the yuan would likely exacerbate the rising trade tensions as
it would increase the opportunity for China to export its surplus output.
Also, a sharp devaluation would slow
China's transition to a consumer-service economy.
The paying back the dollar loans is not an infinite process, but rather,
even if extended, a one-off factor. Slowing outbound direct
investment may be assisted numerous host countries are becoming somewhat less
receptive to direct investment from Chinese companies, many of which are at
least partly state-owned.
The situation is serious, but it is hardly an existential crisis for
China. China's debt situation seems more pressing. All the capital
outflows are not undesirable or unlimited. Moreover, capital controls can
be adjusted. There may be no good options with the yuan. Slowing
the decline can be costly. Allowing the full decline would be
disruptive. Fortunately, unlike in the summer of 2015 or early 2016,
global investors are not taking their cues from developments in China.
When $4 trillion is Too Much and $3 trillion is not Enough
Reviewed by Marc Chandler
January 11, 2017